Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;)

One Day I'm Single, The Next I'm Engaged!

Not Such Of A Celebration

It had been a week since the accidental fire in the kitchen. Every now and then when Sami walks in the kitchen, I still laugh. School is almost out, there’s only like two more months. Then I'm off to college, it kind of excites me. Since, thank gosh, it was a weekend, I was going to laze around all day in my pajamas. And right now I was watching whatever was on T.V. which was SpongeBob.

They haven't made any new shows of that, so I'm just sitting there watching the boring reruns. I had spread myself across the couch, so when Sami came to sit with me, there was no room. She then squeezed herself between the arm of the couch, and my feet.

Unfortunately, the phone rang. Sami stared at me, I could read her expression, 'I'm not getting it, and you can'. I sighed and got up to get the phone.

"Hello?" I sighed wishing I was still sitting on the couch.

"Hi Zoey!" Shouted an excited voice, and familiar.

"Mom?" My mother hadn't called me in a while.

"Yes, I had a question for you." She asked curiously.

"Yes? What is it?" I didn't really care, as long as I could go back and lay on the couch.

"Well, I was wondering if your father and I could come over to your apartment."

My jaw dropped, "What? Why?"

"Is that a no?"

I shook it off, only a little to where she couldn't tell the worry was there. " and dad can come over."

"Wonderful! We'll be over there soon." I could tell she was really excited. "Bye."

"Bye," I breathed, and then I hung up.

I walked back to Sami, she took up the entire couch. I glared at her. "You took my spot!"

"What goes around, comes around sister."

I pushed her feet off my side, while she frowned disapprovingly. "I'm in a bad mood." I answered her question, without her saying anything.

"Why?" She wondered.

I looked at her sadly, "My parents are coming over," I whined.

She jumped, "What!"

"Yep. Their annual check-up."

"Ugh, no!" She moaned.

"Tell me about," I agreed.

"When are they coming?"

"Soon, she didn't give me an exact time."

"Crap!" She complained.

"Well your parents aren't so great either." I couldn't tell if I was defending my parents, or insulting hers.

"Well sorry," she extended the 'y'. "What am I supposed to do when they get here?"

"Just act natural."

"Okay, I guess I could do that."

"Ugh," I complained with her.


We had to get all dressed, because we didn't want my parents thinking letting us live on our own was a bad idea. Once we both sat back on the couch in exhaustion after rushing around, the door bell rang. We moaned quietly, so that they couldn't hear us.

I got up and walked to the door, opening it to a very excited mother.


I patted her shoulder, "Mom, its okay." I looked at my dad, "Sup dad."

He nodded his head back to me in a 'sup' motion. Apparently he took a 'chill pill' before he came.

Mom rushed through me, and into the apartment. Dad followed.

"It looks so nice!" mom complimented.

"Uhh, thanks." I replied.

She ran over to Sami and grabbed her cheeks, "You've gotten so big!"

"Ouch!" Sami yelped in pain!

"Sorry." Mom said releasing her.

"Relax Abby." My dad told her.

"I'll try," Mom said grabbing my cheeks.

"Abigail!" My dad warned, seeing me and my cheeks in pain.

"Sorry, sorry." She said trying to relax. "Zoey, Sami, would you mind sitting down at the....." She looked around for a table, but found the couch instead. "The couch."

"Sure," Sami and I said together.

We all sat down, Mom and Dad pulled up some chairs and sat in front us.

"Zoey...." Mom said. "We have some news for you."

"What is it?"

"Well.... While we were on vacation in Colorado we found someone."

I was curious where this was going. "And?"

"He’s wonderful!" She blurted out.

"What are you talking about?" I said curiously.

"We found him, we found him for you!" She repeated.

"I'm confused, what do you mean by that?" I asked.

Apparently Mom couldn't finish her sentence, so dad did it for her. "Let's just say, we found you a compatible husband."

"Husband!?!?!?!?" I shrieked, my blank expression turning into a frown.

"Yes! Aren't you excited?!?!" Mom shouted with glee.

"No, I am not excited! I'm only 18! And since when are my parents allowed to pick who I marry?" I protested.

"Oh honey, my parents chose who I'd marry. Your dad and I clicked immediately! And choosing your daughter's husband runs in our family." Mom announced.

"This can't be right! Whatever happened to the 'happily ever after'?" I questioned.

"Those are all fairy tales, sweetie." My dad said, still calm.

"You told me you and Dad met someplace!"

"We met when my parents introduced me to him." My mother informed.

"So you're telling me you're choosing my husband for me? The best part? I don't even know the guy!"

"You'll love him." Mom promised. Her watched beeped, and she looked at it. She jumped up, "whoops! Gotta go sweetie, love you." She patted my head, and then ran out the door. Dad waved at us, then followed her.

Sami stared blankly at me, "You're getting married?"

"I hope not!" I frowned even more.

"Wow, this is....this is big." She started staring off into space.

I put my head into my hands, covering my face, "I can't believe this is happening!" I felt a tear roll down my face.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while.