Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;)

One Day I'm Single, The Next I'm Engaged!

Maybe Not All Things Are So Bad

My life stinks! My Mom's been texting me all about the mystery guy. I don't even know his name, I guess that’s another tradition! Sami excited for me though, she didn't seem like it at first but she is. I made her promise me she wouldn't tell anyone. When we got to school on Monday, we told Cody, he was as shocked as I was. He started objecting to it, so did I but I couldn't get out of it. Then I made him promise not to tell anyone! Nothing was going my way anymore, and I don't want to be made fun of just because my parents chose whom I marry.

Once school was over today, another week after the news, I got a text from my mom.

Hey sweetie, after school today come by the Corner Store Bakery. You'll meet your future husband there.

I groaned, Sami and Cody looked at me.

"What's wrong?" They asked at the same time, looked at each other, and then back at me.

"I have to go to the bakery to meet him." I moaned.

"Oh," they said together again. They were getting really mad at each other, because they kept saying the exact same thing at the same time.

"Sorry to hear that," Cody said looking at Sami making sure she didn't say the same thing, but she didn't. So he continued, "Let's just hope he's nice."

"Let's hope." I said hoping the mystery guy was nice.

"And let's hope that he's not a big jerk to you once you marry him." Cody and Sami said at the same time. This made them glared at each other.


Cody was nice and said he'd take Sami home, so I could take the car alone. I parked in an available parking spot that I spotted in front of the shop. I looked up at the big sign that read, The Corner Store Bakery. My mystery man was right inside those doors, I was nervous. I took long strides through the door. Once inside, I looked around, and the saw my Mom waving at me. I walked over to her, and sat down at the table they were sitting at.

"I ordered you a blueberry muffin, is that okay?" My mother asked.

"Yeah, cool, blueberry muffin. So....Uhh......where's is he?" I said, I only saw my mother and my father. No one else.

"He's in the bathroom," Dad replied.

"Oh, okay. Cool, I guess." I said trying to be calm. It wasn't working, I was freaking out!

I looked down playing with my fork. "Abigail, Darrell." A voice said from behind me.

I turned around my mouth dropping, this had to be him. He was drop dead gorgeous! His beautiful guy hair, cute guys’ smile, he looked strong too! He was also very stylish, good taste in clothes!

He noticed, "Umm, are you alright?"

"Yes, Uhh, yeah. I'm fine." I said straightening up.

"Sweetie, this is Sam Rogers." Mom said.

"Hi, I've heard a lot about you." He put a mouth watering smile on the end of his sentence.

"Hi....." I was just staring at him. "I mean, hi, Uhh, I'm Zoey. He chuckled.

"Well, I see this is starting off good," Mom said, "We’ll leave you two alone." She and dad got up and left, leaving Sam and I alone.

"Soooo." I started saying.

"What activities do you-," I cut him off.

"Okay, you've got to tell me something."

"Yes?" He asked curiously.

"Is this a set up?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Is this some prank my parents are pulling on me or something?"

"No, why?"

"Well, it seems unrealistic. Arranged marriage?" I put my head in my hands, then looked up at him.

He was laughing, "I know it surprised me too. It's not every day parents come up to you, and ask you to marry their daughter."

I blushed, "They did that?"

"Yes. But I said I'd give it a try."

"Okay, but I have another question for you."


"Can we pretend we're not engaged. Just dating, because I don't really know you."

He laughed again, "Sure, dear. Since you don't really know me, what would you like to know?"

"Well, do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah! I've got three sisters!"

"What a handful."

"I know. You don't want to be around them when they get in a fight with one another!"

"I've seen what that can be like." I said remembering the girls in the locker room at gym fighting over make up, they now put their name on every single thing they have. It's even more confusing when both Amy's mix up their stuff, which means more fighting.

"Do you have any sisters?" He asked.

"Sadly no. But I have this one little annoying brother named Dylan."

"How old is he?"


"That's one of the worst stages of boyhood." He said probably thinking back to his memories.

"Don't go any further into the 'boyhood' thing," I warned.

He held his hand up defensively, "I won't, I won't." He smiled.


As we were exiting the bakery, he leads me to his car.

"You have a corvette?" I asked in disbelief in comparison to my car.

"Yup, I drove it here from Colorado myself."

"You drove all the way from Colorado? That’s a long way!"

"I know," he smiled down at me, "But it might be worth it." I giggled.

"I've got to get back to my car." I sighed.

"Can I have a kiss before you go?" He asked still swooping down for a kiss.

I put one of my fingers on his lips stopping him, "Whoa, hold on. This only counts as the first date."

"Then can I kiss your cheek?" He wondered.

"Sorry, but not now." I have no idea why I was making myself hard to get. It was fun watching his reaction, turning from upset, to forgiving. "Bye." I waved.

"Bye," he waved back. I turned away and headed for my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like this chapter, I'll post another one this week if I get feedback ;)