Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;)

One Day I'm Single, The Next I'm Engaged!

Zoo Days


I let Ignorance blare through my ears. I was cleaning up today, even though there was nothing to clean up. I kept our apartment in a really clean condition. So Sami's the only messy one.

My phone had rung my ringtone, I Write Sins Not Tragedies. I looked at my phone, it was a text from Sam.

Hey beautiful. I want to go out and do something. Any ideas?

I thought for a moment, what was there to do? Then I got a really good idea, a place I hadn't been to in a while. Well, we could go to the zoo. I haven't been there in a while.

Sure enough my phone buzzed my ringtone a little while later.

Sure Hon. Do you want me to pick you up?

I pictured his awesome car in my head, then imagined what would happen if we took my rust bucket. YES! I mean, yeah, let’s take your car.


I heard a honk outside the apartment complex, I ran to the window, looked out and saw his car. I grabbed my sweater and headed out the door. But on my way out, Boston was in the hallway.

"Oh, hey Boston."

"Hey Zoey!"

"So what do you need?" I asked. What was he doing here? Oh well, I didn't really care.

"I wanted to hang out with Sami...Is she here?"

"Uh...Yeah, she's watching T.V. Go right on in." He stepped to the door, while I zoomed past him. I ran out into the parking lot and right in front of a truck. When I made it to Sam's car I looked back at the truck. Only to see the driver flipping me off.

Sam laughed, "Your courageous, aren’t you?"

"I guess." I replied. He leaned over to me, and kissed my cheek. "That's it?" I complained.

"Okay," he whispered. I moved his lips from my cheek to my lips, and I kissed him back abruptly. I wanted him, I didn't care if I need permission first but I did it anyway. I slipped my tongue through lips and rubbed his tongue. "Hmmm," he said.

I slowed down to talk. "What?"

"I taste chocolate." he said.

I blushed, "It's probably my M&M chopstick."

"It's good." he complimented me, "But I want some more of it." He teased, skidding the tip of his tongue across my lips. Then for no reason, he pulled away.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked breathlessly.

"No, but i think we should get to the zoo now." He started up the car. And shockingly we drove by that trucker who flipped me off. I stuck my middle finger up to him, and licked the top of it playfully. I watch him glare as I stared in satisfaction, and Sam laughed.


"Were here!" he said shaking my shoulder. "Come sleeping beauty." My eyes fluttered open, to see pictures of animals all around the entryway. I looked at Sam, his face was concerned.

"What?" I asked.

"Have you been getting enough sleep lately?"

I thought for a second, "now that I think about I haven't."

"What have you been doing at night?"

"Oh just the usual, going clubbing every single night!" I watched his shocked face. "I'm just kidding! I stay up late watching Adult Swim."

"You need to get to bed later!" He ordered.

"Yeah, yeah! Dad."

He glared at me, then his face lit up but he tried to hide it. "Would your dad do this to you?" Suddenly his lips were on mine, I kissed back.

When his pulled away, "Yeah, only you’re not my dad anymore."

"I'm not? Then who am I?"

"My uncle." His face was full of shock.

"Well sweetheart, I guess my lesson hasn't been taught yet." He swooped back in for another kiss.


"Ugh! Moneys smell like butt!" Sam complained.

"You've smelt butt? That's kinda nasty."

"No I haven't, but if I did it'd smell like Monkeys!"

"Stop complaining." I dragged him out of the House of Monkeys. But then we ended up in Insect Corner. Great.

I saw a spider jump up onto the wall of the glass cage, and I totally freaked out. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I jumped into Sam's arms.

He stared at me, then put me down. "Are you scared of this little thing?" He poked the glass.

"DON'T!" I shouted. I was terrified of spiders.

He got an idea, again today. "It's okay Hon, I'll save you!" He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and ran us out of there.

We were in front of a restaurant called The Rainforest Cafe'.

"Okay! You can put me down now." He put me down really slowly. "And you can go a little faster."

"No can do Hon!" After like another minute I was finally on the ground. "Now let’s go eat!"


"Thanks for taking me to the zoo." I thanked him.

"No problem."

We stopped in the parking lot of a hotel. He got out and opened my door for me. "What are we doing here?"

"Well, I'm kidnapping you, and taking you my where I'm staying for right now."

"Your kidnapping me?"

"I sure am!" He grabbed my hand and rushed me to the inside elevator. He pressed the very last number. 24.

We went into room 909, he opened the door to the pent house. There was double everything! Two beds, fridges, tables, four chairs, and a huge outside area. We walked over to that. There was a pool, and a patio so people can suntan.

"This place is amazing!"

"Isn't it?" He threw a bikini at me and told me to put it on.


We both got in the pool and played Marco, Polo.

"Marco!" He said.

"Polo!" I called trying to get away from him. His eye twitched open, then closed it. "Cheater!" I yelled at him. I got out without him knowing, and dried off.


"Fish out of water?" I asked. There was no answer. I opened my eyes to see that there wasn’t anybody here. I got out of the pool, dried off and when into the pent house. "Zoey?" I got pulled onto the bed.

She stroked my head, "there, there. It's okay baby. That was some fall you had there. Falling onto the bed." Then one thing led to another and well.......
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked this chapter! I wont be able to write later this week because I going to Arkansaw from Wensday to Sunday. Sorry, I'll try right before I go, but I'll need feedback to be able to do that ;)

I used the songs from:
I Write Sins Not Tradigies-Panic! At The Disco!

I love those songs!