Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;)

One Day I'm Single, The Next I'm Engaged! two were together?


I haven't been talking to Sami lately, because mainly she's hanging out with Boston. I've been with Sam the whole time, and I'm starting to miss my friend. I like hanging out with Sam, but....change is good. Right?

"Morning Sami," I looked around. "Sami?" Where had she gone now?

I walked over to the pantry and grabbed my favorite cereal, Special K. I put that on the counter, and pulled out a bowl from the cabinet. I strode over to the fridge, opened it and grabbed the milk. I closed it, then paused. I put the milk on the counter, then took another look at the fridge. There was a yellow sticky note on it.

"Dear Zoey,
last night I was with Boston. Something went wrong, I don't want to explain it in a sticky note, but I need you to come to The Corner Store Bakery to find me. Please come!
Your friend,

Sami needed me....wait...Boston? What happened? I ran down the stairs and into the parking lot. I stopped and looked around.

"Dang it!" I yelled. Sami took the car.

I took my phone out of my pocket, and dialed Cody's number in and pressed the little green call button. "Hello?" He asked.

"Cody, I need-"

"Hi, you've reached my voicemail. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you when I can. Beep."

"Dang it!" I yelled even louder. I shut the phone and shoved it into my pocket. I ran out into the street, right in front of a truck. He honked at me, "Hey! Stop!" I shouted at him. He stomped on his brakes.

He stomped out of his truck and angrily marched over to me. "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?!?"

"Can you please drive me to The Corner Store Bakery?" I asked nicely.


"Well...yeah." I whispered.


"Fine then!" I stomped back over to the sidewalk. "Well started moving your truck, you stopped the flow of traffic." I was smarting off to him now.

"WHY I OUGHTA!" He took deep breaths and went back to his car. Then he drove away.

When he was out of sight, I saw a yellow car coming my way. "Taxi!" I yelled waving my hand out in front of the cars.

The cab pulled over to where I was, and I opened the door and jumped in. The driver looked over his shoulder, "Where to?"

"The Corner Store Bakery, please." I was all worried about Sami and other stuff. But mainly Sami.

"Okay...but I just want to know one thing." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you in such a rush?"

Not this question, "Well it all started with-" and i told him the whole story. "That’s why I have to rush to The Corner Store Bakery!"

"Wow. Well, anyway, I think I've seen you before."

"You have?" How could he have seen me before, I don't know him.

He turned around and took off his sun glasses that he had recently just put on.

"Oh my gosh." He nodded his head. "Parker?"

"Yep." He said popping the 'p'. "Also we're here. Here's my number," he gave me a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Thanks." I got out of the car, and ran inside. I looked around, and spotted at a table with head down. "Sami!" I ran over to her and shook her, "Sami, Sami, are you alright?"

"Zoeyyyyyy!" She whined, I heard her crying.

"Yes, I'm here. What wrong?" I asked.

"He....he....dumped me." She broke out in a cry.

"You two were together?"

"Yes." She broke out a sob.

"Whoa! Why did he brake up with you?"

She picked her head up off the table glaring, with tear stained eyes. She pointed to the cashier. I turned around and saw Boston taking to her, and making goo goo eyes at her.

I looked back at Sami, "It's okay." I sat over on the other side that she was sitting at. I gave her a hug.

"Zoeyyyyyy. Bostonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" she started crying again. That’s why I think she shouldn't date the guys that I know will break up with her.

"There, there." I whispered to her, "It's okay, everything is going to be ok
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had to update my other stories. Then I updated the same one again. Enjoy the chapter.