Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;)

One Day I'm Single, The Next I'm Engaged!

You Cheating Liar!

I closed the door to Sami's bedroom, I collapsed on the couch. I sighed as I heard Sami break out another cry. How could she have dated Boston? I needed to talk to Sam about this, I reached for my phone only to realize that I left it in Sami's room. I knew if I went in there she wouldn't let me leave.

I stood up, knowing I'd have to go in sooner or later. I tip-toed to her door, and stuck my ear to the door. I heard a loud cry, I winced, she was never going to get over him. It took a miracle to get over some guy named John. I opened the door, Sami looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy. "I forgot my phone," I said grabbing it.

She grabbed my arm and held it with all her strength she had left. "Don't go!" She sobbed.

"I'm sorry but I have to make a call." I told her.

"No one ever stays with me! Not John, not Boston, not even you!" She shouted!

She knew this made me feel bad, "I'm sorry but this call is very important." I ran out of the room, so she couldn't blame Boston breaking up with her on me. I dialed in Sam's number.

"Hello?" He said?

"Hey Sam, did you have any idea Boston was dating Sami?" I asked.



"yes," he admitted.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry? I don't usually tell people that."

"Not even your girlfri....fiancé?" I pressed on.

"Look, I'm sorry! I got to go! Bye!" He hung up, I looked at the phone.

"Ugh!" I walked into Sami's room, "I'm going to be out."

"With Sam?" More tears fell down her face.

"No not with Sam, I'm going shopping. You can come to if you like." I said.

"No thanks, I'd rather stay here." She said putting her head in her pillow.

I ignored her action and walked out of the room and into the parking lot. I got in the car, and ignited the engine. I drove to Kroger, and parked in the parking lot. I laid by head back on the head rest, and sighed again. Why was all this stuff happening to me? I didn't really need to go shopping, I just needed to get out of the apartment.

Then I got a crazy idea that I was willing to go for. I put the car in drive and started driving. When I reached the hotel, I saw Sam's car in his usual spot. I smiled, even though I was trying to get away from this kind of stuff. I parked my car and got out, locking it. I skipped in the doorway, and went up to the familiar pent house on floor 24.

I walked up to his room with a big smile on my face. My hand came up to the door ready to knock, when an unpleasant sound rung in my ears.

"Oh Sam!" I heard a girl voice shout, then moaning came along with it.

"Oh baby," Sam's big voice rumbled. My hand dropped to my side.....

"Sam," I mouthed, "how could you?" I ran downstairs, tears flying down my face. I ran to the car, I threw myself in, not caring if I hurt myself, I was already hurt. A crumpled piece of paper fell into my lap, I stared at it while another tear made its way down my face. I unfolded it, then straightened out the paper to read it better. Parker's number.

"Wow. Well, anyway, I think I've seen you before."
"you have?" How could he have seen me before, I don't know him.
He turned around and took off his sun glasses that he had recently just put on.
"Oh my gosh." He nodded his head. "Parker?"
"Yep." He said popping the 'p'. "Also we're here. Here's my number," he gave me a piece of paper with his number on it.

I added the number into my contacts, then called it.

"Hello?" Asked a familiar voice?


"Zoey? What's wrong?" He must have heard my cries.

"Can I come over?"

"Uhh....I not at home right now."

"Oh, okay." I said glum.

"But I'm already in a car...well the taxi. I'll come get you, where are you?"

I told him where I was, and he promised to be there as soon as possible.


I jumped at the knock on my window, I looked at Parker's worried face. I got out of my car, and told him the whole story.

"Wow, I'm really sorry." He said. "Is there anything I can do?"

"I'm not sure." I said looking at my feet, we were just standing in the parking lot.

"Well that Sam guy sounded suspicious in the first place, when you told me the story in the cab. You know, I don't he deserves a wonderful girl like you." He said.

"What?" I asked shocked, no one had ever told me that I was wonderful. Well, my parents don't count.

"I'm just saying, he sounds like a jerk. And you seem like a really nice, beautiful girl." He told me.

"Wow, no one’s ever said that to me before." I said amazed.

"Maybe, he's just not the right guy."

"I think your right." My eyes flickered to a guy coming out of the hotel. It was Sam! "Oh no! Sam's coming!" I shouted in a whisper.

"What?" Parker asked. He turned around to see a good looking guy come out of the building. "Hmm, he's not that hot." He smirked.

"I feel so mad! Ugh, and I parked my car next to him!" I groaned.

"Okay, well when I say now, just trust me." Parker whispered.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"Trust me!" He looked behind himself again, to see Sam almost here. He was now really close to us, "Now!" Parker said.

Parker grabbed my face and pulled it up to his, where our lips met. I felt my face get hot. I also felt the eyes of the audience behind us. My stomach did a back flip, as I kissed back. It felt...right. It felt nothing like I did when I kissed Sam.



I was standing there, seeing Zoey kiss some freak. What did she think she was doing?

"What the Hell?!?!?!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs! They stopped and looked at me, Zoey smirked. I noticed her eyes were red, what did he do to her to make her cry? "What the heck are you guys doing?!?"

"Like you would care what I did!" Zoey screamed.

"What do you mean?" I screamed back!

"I heard you! Don't act dumb! You know exactly what you did!!" Tears started falling down her face. The guy shushed her, and told her it was alright.

"I did nothing...." I trailed off.

"Don't tell me that! I know exactly what you were doing, probably with some slut off the streets!"

"What are you.....oh." I did a big gulp. She knew.... "Look, Zoey, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize! I don't want an apology from you of all people!" She screamed at me once more.

"Zoey, let’s go." The guy told her.

She looked up at him with big watery eyes and nodded. "Okay." He took her and put her in the passenger side. He took the driver's seat. Ugh, what had I done?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me a while to update, but I was trying to think of ideas for this story.

Songs of the night:
Break Your Little Heart - All Time Low
Ignorance - Paramore
I Write Sins Not Tragidies - Panic! At The Disco!