Status: I update about once a week, twice if I get feedback ;)

One Day I'm Single, The Next I'm Engaged!



“Zoey…….” I trailed off. “You know, you don’t have to stick around with jerks like that guy.”

“You would think I have that choice, but it’s an arranged marriage. The parents choose, you marry ‘em, the end of your story.” She sighed; I could tell that she didn’t have anyone to share her true feelings with.

“How do you…….really feel about all of this? It’s got to be a rush!” I questioned.

“It is, and unexpected. I feel that it’s stupid to make a commitment when you hardly know the guy – before you even meet him! Then you’re signed up for this commitment that in the first place you wouldn’t even agree to. I guess I feel kind of scared; I’m odiously not ready to do this. It’s like having a burden placed on your shoulders, and you want to get it off, or give it away to someone else. So you won’t have to worry, or even care about it.” She sighed, slipping her face into to her hands.

“I don’t know what it’s like – but I can tell that it’s bad.”

She looked up at me slowly, “Nah, ya think? ‘It’s wonderful!’” she said trying to make her voice all high and girly.

“Sheesh! Can I not say what’s on my mind?” I threw my hands up in the air.

“I didn’t say that, but you make my problems sound like their no big deal and I should just get over it.”

I focused on the radio in the background, then one song came on that I couldn’t ignore. “’My first kiss went a little like this ‘smooch’ and twist ‘smooch, smooch’ and twist.’”

Zoey picked up her head, as I sang along to the song, “’My first kiss went a little like this ‘smooch’ and twist ‘smooch, smooch’ and twist.” Her voice sounded beautiful when she sang Ke$ha’s part.

I leaned toward her, I watched her mimic my movement. I brushed my lips across hers, then moving them in the pattern that followed. Her lips stopped in place just as mine started to warm up. I looked up to see her eyes closed, and her face full of hurt.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked absentmindedly.

She shook her head, letting one drop of a tear fall. “It’s not you, it’s me. I’m still in a commitment. I still have to marry this jerk.” Her tears streamed down her cheek, her eyes full of pain, her face hurt, and her body tense. I hugged her.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.” I apologized, rubbing the back of my neck.

She looked down, “I have to go. Set things straight.” Zoey stood up, heading for the door to my crowded little garage.

I grabbed her arm, “Don’t go,” I whispered, not able to use my voice.

“I’m sorry, but I have go.” She walked out of the room; disappeared into thin air. I wondered if she ever be back. My phone buzzed, I opened it. It was from Zoey, she said ‘thanks’ and made one of those little smiley-face kisses.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updating has been slow, since I'm "laptopless" I """""""BORROWED""""""""" my cousin's laptop. Her current staus = sleeping.

Songs of the night-

Remebering Sunday