View From Here

View From Here

I watched Miley strap my 1-year-old son into the car, like I did every day. I waved them off as they drove down the street; she takes him to day-care before going to work. Miley is and was always my one and only. She’s my best friend. I wait around everyday for her to come home. And she always does.

We’ve had a different relationship since last summer. I think we have more love than we ever did, though we talk less, and when we do it’s only short. But mostly I just sit there and stare at her beauty. I like to sit and watch my son too. I don’t want to miss him growing up. He can’t talk or walk yet, but I feel like we have such a connection. It’s like he knows who I am and why I’m here.

I’m sure one day he’ll have a memory of me talking to him, or he’ll remember some funny story I had told him about his mother, though he may not quite remember where he heard it.

I don’t know what I’d do without either of them. I just wouldn’t be able to let them go. I’ve watched them cry and laugh together. And I hope that image stays with me forever.

I hope that she comes to me with all her troubles. I hope I can help her. I hope Nick grows up with me in his mind and his heart. And I hope that even though it may not be easy, he’ll come to me.

Miley started talking to me this afternoon.
“Nick baby. I miss you. Mini Nick is doing well. He looks more and more like you everyday. I think he misses you to. I know you’ll watch over him. And never let anything happen to him. I hope you’ll watch over me to.”

I brushed her cheek and kissed her. She put her hand to her face and I think she knew I was there.
“I will.” I told her, “Please don’t be sad anymore. I want you to move on. I want Nick to have a proper father figure. Someone he can look up to.” A tear fell from her eyes, as did one from mine.

“I love you.” We both said, sadly. Suddenly I felt something. Like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Though it was overcast, all of a sudden the sun shone brightly through the window. I felt like I wanted to go up to it. Though I felt like I didn’t want to leave without my family.

“Go.” Miley said. “Go to where you belong in heaven.” And I knew that she knew.
“Goodbye.” I said, before kissing her forehead and then Nick the II.

I floated up to my place in heaven, with my own window to look down upon the earth. The view from here was perfect. I could see and hear all that I wanted, and I was happy to see that they were happy.
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Worte it in 20 minutes. Hope you like it :)