Status: Chapter eleven has been rewritten! Tell me what you think!

Love Game



Aliy sat at her computer, her eyes scanning the screen.

This is going to be the best Happy Friendship Day gift ever!

Laughing quietly to herself, Aliy thought back to the day when HFD was first created. She and her best friend were sitting underneath a tree at school. They were only nine, but they knew that nothing could separate them. So they made a special holiday to celebrate life and friendship.

And even to this day she and Nevaeh would exchange gifts and spend the day together.

Smiling she filled out the form, clicking the submit button when she was finished.

She just knew that Nevaeh would laugh at this new joke.


+Three Weeks Later+

Rubbing the back of my neck, I was glad to finally be home. My feet hurt and after having to put down an adolescent tiger that had a massive tumor too close to his heart, I just wanted to sleep for three days.

Opening my door, I went to step inside only to have a man walk up to me from the apartment’s hallway.

“Hello, I’m looking for Nevaeh Harrow?”

I frowned, “Yes, that’s me.”

The man gave a big smile, then turned and whistled, “She’s here!”

I blinked against the flashing lights as men carrying cameras rounded the corner, “What’s going on?”

“You are going to star in new show Love Game!” the man exclaimed

“What?” I tried to shade my eyes, “The what game?”

“The Love Game. My name’s Adam and I am the producer of the show!”

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t sign up for any show or game.” I tried to slip into my apartment.

The man, Adam, pulled me back, “Then why do I have all the paperwork?”

I grabbed the papers, my eyes widening as realization consumed me, “Aliy!”

Wasn’t it just last week when my friend told me that her gift was going to be late? Her HFD gift?

Pushing past the crowd forming in the hall, I banged on Aliy’s door, four down from my own.

“Aliy! Open up!”

I continued to bang until the door opened, showing a confused Aliy, “What’s wrong?!”

“This!” I shoved the papers into Aliy’s hand and pointed to the TV crew.

The girl’s eyes widened, “It actually went through?!”

“I hope you’re joking and that you paid these guys to give more credit to your silly prank.” I said, still pointing.

Aliy shook her head, “It was all a joke, I never thought they’d actually accept the form!”

“That’s a good start; now tell me that you paid these guys to prank me.”

Aliy shook her head as Adam spoke, “Look, I can tell that this was supposed to be funny, but I’ve already paid for you to be on the show. I can’t be one girl short.”

“Then take Aliy!” I volunteered

“I can’t,” my friend whispered.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m in a relationship with Sean.” Aliy looked to Adam for help

“That’s right, the show’s called Love Game for a reason. You’re supposed to fall in love with the leading guy.” Adam supplied

I turned and looked at him, “I’m not going to some silly TV show just so I can pretend to fall head over heals for this guy! It’s all fake anyways.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about, I’m sure you’ll be eliminated the first day, since you have such a lovely personality.”

I felt sparks of anger rise up my back at his insult, “Look here-“

“No, you look here!” Adam interrupted, “I need you to show up for the first filming since I can’t be one girl short, then you can just go on with you merry life and forget about the show.”

“Nevaeh, just go for one day. It may be fun?” Aliy informed

I look at the faces in the hallway, trying to make a decision.

Gah, today is not my day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay... so I'm completly weak.

I didn't want to put this chapter out so soon, but oh well.

Tell me what you think