Status: Chapter eleven has been rewritten! Tell me what you think!

Love Game




So I was informed that I couldn’t take Night with me to tonight’s elimination.

Which really sucks because he would have made this evening more entertaining.

And before you even ask, no, Nico did not take me out on a date.

And normally that would be perfectly fine with me, but for some reason a little part inside was sad and disappointed about it.

But that could just be some kind of stomach flu, nothing to overly examine.

“Nevaeh, are you in there?”

Sighing I walk out of the closet and head to the bedroom door.

Hmm, what a shock, it’s Adam.

“Hey,” he started to look around me into the room, “You need to dress up for the elimination tonight, here’s your outfit.”

He started to lean forward to see around the corner and further into the room. Rolling my eyes I step back so he could enter and take the garment, “Night’s not here, he’s outside with Diana.”

“Oh,” he looked so sad, “Well, you need to get ready. I should probably go and inform Diana as well.”

He disappeared, heading down stairs.

Shaking my head I close the door and place the dress on the bed.

At least it’s not a wedding dress this time.

It was s strapless corset top in teal with black intricate detail surrounding the edge of the bodice and down the sides. Along the hips the fabric was brought in and pinned with a diamond barouche. There was a slit high at the left thigh as the dress flowed down to the floor. The most shocking was how the black polka dots blended well with the rest of the design.

I actually like this dress, which is something I don’t say often.

Looking at the clock I notice there’s only an hour before eliminations. So I prep my hair into curls, put in blue earrings, add a little make up, and slip into the dress.

I open the door and am disappointed to see stiletto heels to match the dress.

Darn, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to trip down the stairs.

Sighing I put the shoes on and steady myself on the wall as I walk down the stairs.

I am, of course, the last one to walk into the elimination room.

I didn’t notice how Nico’s gaze followed me; I was too shocked at Bernice’s dress.

It was a pale lime green that made me think of Easter at Hugh Hefner’s house. The top was a one shoulder sleeve that hugged the torso and triangle down to leave skin showing at her waist and hip area. At the hips more of the green fabric stretched to meet at the pelvis with a faux diamond design. At the bottom of the design the dress split to show her legs and blue shoes.

Blue shoes? Is that way she added a blue bracelet with her green one?

As I walked in to stand by her she gave me a little glare.

So I smiled back, which shocked her.

So you know how I always assume I’m going to be eliminated?

Yeah, not tonight.

I’ve finally put my smart brain cells together and figured out that the show’ll keep me.

Because without me there wouldn’t be any real reason to watch since I’m the only normal one here.

“Hello, ladies.” Nico spoke from his little stage.

We all said our hellos back. Bernice Diana megan Kelly Marisol

“Well, tonight I will be eliminating four of you, leaving only two girls left,” he placed his hands behind his back.

“Could Diana and Megan please step forward?”

He gave them a sad smile, “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t able to connect with either of you.”

He waited until the girls were ushered out before he continued, “Bernice and Kelly, could you please step forward?”

There was a little dramatic silence, “Kelly, I’m sorry, but you will not be continuing in the show. Bernice, I would be pleased if you stayed.”

I just had to close my eyes when Bernice let out her high shrilly squeal.

Even Nico stepped back and grimaced.

Once all was quiet again Nico continued, “Marisol and Nevaeh, please step forward.”

He gave a small smile, “Only one of you can remain in this house.”

Another dramatic silence, then, “Nevaeh, I would be pleasantly ecstatic if you stayed.”

Before I could even comment Bernice let out a horrified shriek, “No! How could you pick her?”

Nico just raised an eyebrow, he didn’t respond in any other way.


The next morning I walked into the kitchen and almost ran into Bernice.

My Lord, why is she just standing in the middle of the doorway?

“You better watch your back.”

I roll my eyes at her attempt to intimidate me, “You’re the one randomly standing in the way. If you don’t want to be run over then just move out of the way.”

“That’s not what I mean. It’s just you and me now, and you’ll never win Nicolai.”

I frowned, “Then why are you trying to threaten me? Apparently I’m not any competition, and why do you call Nico by his full name?”

She looked confused, “Because that’s his name, duh, and you’re right. You’ll never be anywhere close to my competition.”

I sighed and move into the kitchen, tired of the high school mind games.

Just as I was pulling a bowl out Nico walked in and was immediately attacked by Bernice.

“Oh, Nicolai! I’m so glad you’re here to keep me from Nevaeh’s boring company.”

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I just shrugged.

“Well,” he said as he stepped from Bernice, “Now that it’s just the two of you I have a little test to see which of you can fit into my life style.”

He walked over to the opposite side of the counter as me, “You both will be in a photo shoot.”

Bernice gasped, “I’m going to be a model?!”

He nodded, then jumped a little when she shrieked.

After she was done Nico continued, “I will judge your finished photos as well as be in the pictures.”

I just stared at him as Bernice began to hop around in excitement.

“So, you have about an hour before we leave, so go and prepare yourselves.”


That afternoon Nico and Adam had there driver take us to one of Nico’s favorite studios to have our shoot.

Bernice was like a kid on her first trip to Disneyland while I didn’t really care either way.

I’m not photo shy, but I’m not photogenic either.

Once the vehicle parked Nico lead us to the door and was immediately surrounded by photographers and helpers.

“Oh, Nico! It’s so good to see you dahling!”

Nico gave a man hug to a guy I was assuming to be the photographer because of the camera around his neck and I was assuming to be gay because of the way he kept trying to get a full on hug from Nico.

“Hello, Terran, how are you?” Nico asked as he politely stepped from the guy.

“I’m splendid, just splendid, and how rude of you not to introduce me to these lovely young ladies!”

Terran turned to Bernice and shook her hand then moved to me.

“This is Bernice and Nevaeh, the two finalists on my show.” Nico introduced.

“Lovely, just lovely. I have the perfect outfits for them. Come, I will show you to your changing room.”

He showed us to our rooms, then told us that we should be dressed and ready within twenty minutes.

Bernice practically skipped to her room while I walked at a more sedate pace.

I opened the door to a little room that held a pitcher of water, a large place to do hair a makeup, and a mirror for a wall.

But what caught my eye the most was the outfit I had to wear.

No, no way am I wearing that.

I stormed out of the room and right up to where Nico and Terran were talking.

“There is no way I am going to wear that.” I fumed

Terran looked surprised while Nico sighed with fake weariness.

“I told you she would be difficult,” he said with a smile.

“Hmm,” Terran said with amused eyes, “So you did. Well, love, what is wrong?”

“That thing you call an outfit. While it is beautiful, I’m not wearing it.” I explained

“Well, you have to if you want to win today’s prize,” Terran inserted

“Prize?” I narrowed my eyes, “What prize?”

“A date with-“ Terran was interrupted by Nico

“A trip into town without me.” He smiled, “You get to have tomorrow all to yourself with a credit card that has no limit on it.”

I studied Nico, “Without you?”


I sighed, “Fine.”

I slipped back into the room and put the belly dancing costume on.

This better be worth it.


So I’m not going to bore you with how awkward it was to dance not only in front of a camera, but in front of Nico who watched me the entire time.

And I’m also not going to go into detail on how Bernice would sashay through the building in her skimpy outfit.

I think she even turned the gay guys straight.

Well, except for Terran, who was hitting on Adam the entire time.

So, we are now sitting at a little table and looking over all the pictures.

And I must say that I look pretty darn sexy.

“Dang, I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on in my life!” Terran joked as he stared at Adam

Adam grumbled as we laughed, but then it was time to get to business.

“Hey, I said, “Do I still get one-on-one time with that card if I lose?”

Nico opened his mouth, but Bernice interrupted, “She gets to go shopping?! That’s not fair, I demand to go!”

Nico looked shocked, “I thought you would like to spend some time with me while she was in town.”

Ah, now I see why he was willing to get rid of me.

Why does that hurt so much?

“Oh, I would love to, but I would like to be pampered first.” Bernice whined

Nico shrugged, “Alright, you’re both winners of this challenge.”



I look both ways before I step onto the road and hurry to the other sidewalk.

Turning back I see Bernice texting on her phone while crossing the street, oblivious to the on coming car. Reacting quickly I pull her to safety right before the car passes, the driver honking his horn furiously.

Bernice pulled herself from my grasp, “Don’t touch me!”

I rolled my eyes, if she wants to get hit by a car then who am I to stop her?

We’ve been shopping for the last two hours and no sale is worth this much aggravation.

I look at Ben who was holding the camera steady as we walked.

I smiled when he gave me a wink.

But all good fun must come to an end.

“Hey look! It’s Bernice and Nevaeh!”

I look across the street to see what I can only assume to be the paparazzi rushing toward us.

Crap, what more could happen?

I look and see Bernice quickly fixing her make-up before plastering on a bright smile.

Deciding to leave her to fend for herself I quickly walked down the side walk, but I wasn’t fast enough.

They can run pretty fast for carrying those heavy cameras.

“Nevaeh!” a female cried as they surrounded me, “Is it true that you and Nicolai spent a ‘special’ night together?”

The way she drug out the word ‘special’ had my head spinning, not to mention the effect of all the flashes and other questions.

“What?” I gasped

“Nevaeh,” another asked, possibly a male this time, “Are the tabloids correct when they assume that you have a child at home?”

“Excuse me?” I gaped

Another waved a magazine in my face, “Is this article correct about your abortion?”

Shocked, I quickly grabbed the magazine and flipped to the page that had my picture splashed all over it.

Is Love Game’s Nevaeh really who she says she is? Sources say that she’s hiding a deep secret. After losing her parents at the young age of 17 our source says that she then seduced a man so that she could get pregnant in hopes to fill the gap in her heart, but when her stomach began to swell it is reported that she paid to have that innocent child aborted. We wanted to know more about Nevaeh’s past so we tracked down the baby’s biological father, Luke. He said that he was madly in love with her and was devastated when he learned that she had destroyed his baby.

Oh God, this can’t be happening.

So is Nevaeh really the sweet, common girl she portrays to be? Or is she a murdering mother with no thought to life? We atReporters R Us have the latest and greatest on all your favorite celebs and with the information we’ve gathered we believe that Nevaeh is hiding very deep, very dark secrets.

I reread the article, shocked at what it said.

It was all wrong, how could he say that?

“Nevaeh, over here!” I looked up to see yet another magazine tossed my way, “Can you say that this is true or false?”

With shaking hands I open the pages until I once again see my face.

One of today’s top new TV programs, Love Game, has viewers asking, what was the show thinking? Why would they bring in such a plain girl like Nevaeh? Our online poll suggests that 68% of viewers think Nevaeh should just go home and continue her life in whatever normal town the show found her in. Not only that, but 56% of that 68 believe that Nicolai should toss her from the show and marry the infamous Bernice.

I looked over to see Bernice soaking up all the attention of the paparazzi.

Taking a deep breath I continue to read to article.

So should Nevaeh go home? Celeb Mag thinks she should. We’re not trying to be rude, but such a plain girl like her would never be able to make it in Nicolai’s world.

My chest felt tight, a throbbing pain just under the skin.

Plain? Was I that horrible to look at on TV?

“Nevaeh!” Once again I looked to see another reporter pushing for my attention, shoving a microphone under my nose, “What do you have to say about what Nicolai thinks of you?”

I frowned, “What?”

The reporter smiled, “You didn’t see last week’s tabloid? In an interview with Bright Lights magazine Nicolai stated that ‘Nevaeh isn’t right for me, her lifestyle and mine are so different that opposites could never attract. The only reason she stays on the show is so that Bernice has some female company.’”

The reporter handed me a tabloid that was already turned to the correct page. Highlighted about halfway through the interview was the comment. In black ink on a white background the words seemed to jump from the page and choke me.

Isn’t right for me… never attract…

Only for female company…

I swallowed past the lump in my throat.

Pushing through the paparazzi I rushed to the street and hailed a cab.

After commanding to be taken back to the mansion I leaned back and tried not to cry.

Why did I want to cry anyways? It’s not like I wanted Nico to choose me or anything.

But it still hurts to know that people don’t like me.

People like Nico.

When the cab pulled next to the mansion’s steps I quickly explained that I would be back then rushed into the house. Still clutching the magazines I rushed through the house and up the stairs. Throwing a few necessary items into a couple bags I grab Night’s leash and ran down the stairs.

At the landing I gave a low whistle and waited until Night ran to me, sliding the last few feet on the slick floor.

Once I snapped the leash on his collar Adam and Nico stepped into the room.

“What’s going on?” Nico asked.

“You can’t leave!” Adam commanded.

I stood up and shoved the magazines into Nico’s chest, “Tell me I should leave.”

He looked confused, until he read his highlighted interview, “This… what is this?”

“That,” I sneered, “Is what the paparazzi bombarded me with.”

“But,” he seemed even more confused, “I didn’t… I can explain – “

“I’m sure you could,” I interrupted, “But I really don’t want to hear it. Send me home”

Adam grabbed the magazine, his brow furrowing as he read it, “This isn’t right, you never had any inter-”

“I don’t care!” I practically screamed, trying to keep my watery eyes from over flowing, “Just send me home,” I looked into Nico’s eyes, “please.”

He looked in my eyes, his face blank, but his eyes held confusion and… was that pain?

No, my watery vision must be screwing with me.

“Nico, she can’t just leave without knowing what happ-”

Nico interrupted his friends, “No, she’s right.” He swallowed, then took a deep breath, “Nevaeh, you are no longer needed here. We didn’t clic-“ he had to clear his throat, “It just didn’t work out.”

He nodded, throwing a quiet good bye before turning and leaving the room.

I swallowed, the pain in my chest now an agonized roar.

I give Adam a small smile, allowed him to say his goodbyes to Night, then turned and walked back out to the cab.

“Hey!” the driver exclaimed as I sat and pulled Night onto my lap, “You can’t have that animal-”

“Just drive!” I screamed, quickly wiping away a tear that fell down my check.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me if you like this ending better...

I do, it leaves me more to work with!

Nevaehs' Outfits:

Bernice's Outfits: