Status: Chapter eleven has been rewritten! Tell me what you think!

Love Game



Adam led a blindfolded Nicolai into the main room of the Love Game mansion. Pulling the blind friend to a stop, Adam shut the front door and stepped to Nico’s side.

“You remember how you promised to help me with my first production?” Adam asked


“Alright, remove the blindfold!” the producer exclaimed

Pulling the cloth off, Nico took in the room, “Um, I’m not in the market for a new house.”

Adam laughed, “No! This is the set for the show!”

Nico frowned, “What kind of show is it?”

Adam pointed to a wall to Nico’s left.

Love Game? What is that, some kind of mafia thing?”

Adam gasped, “You wound me! I would never produce such a show; we all know its fake blood anyways. No, this is the new love reality game, starring you!”

Nico narrowed his eyes at Adam, “I’m not starring in some show like The Bachelor. You know the final couple always breaks up at the end. Plus,” he added, “I like being single, there’s a never ending supply of ladies.”

Nico turned to leave, but Adam stopped him, “That supply doesn’t have to end! Think about it, the relationship never works so you can just go back to normal afterand there’ll be a multitude of girls all under one roof, all of the hot!”

Nico thought about that, hot girls were a definite benefit, “How long?”

“There are a total of fifteen girls. The first shooting you’ll eliminate five girls, then one a week after that.”

“So about two and a half months?”

“Yeah! Give or take a few days.”

Nico smiled, “Alright, I’m in.”


I stepped out of the limo, pulling down the short dress that some lady from the show’s crew had told me to wear.

I don’t do dresses.

Following the line of giggling women, I walk into a large mansion.

The nerve of rich people, spending money on unnecessary things when there are people around the world are starving.

We, as in the contestants, were shuffled into a large sitting room. Dress in a clichéd pink and black décor, I wanted to laugh. Seriously, pink? How many other love shows have done that color?

Sighing, I take notice of the shining staircase; the many pictures of raunchy naughtiness (are they really going to air this so little kids can see it?), and sinfully soft furniture.

All in all it was the typical love reality show.

Adam stepped from the stairs, “Welcome! I’m glad to see that all of you could make it!” He looked at me with that last statement, “You will meet the star soon, but before you do I wanted to introduce you to your new home!” he widened his arms to show the mansion.

All the other girls gasped and murmured in pleasure while I sat down in one of the black fur cushions.

“And now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Please welcome, Nicolai Fieldings!”

“Who?” I asked myself

A gasp sounded to my right, “You don’t know who Nicolai Fieldings is? He’s the most famous person in the world!”

She wasn’t able to finish her explanation because one of the hottest guys I have ever seen walked down the stairs. With his black hair, dark blue eyes, and smoking body he could have any girl he wanted.

And probably did.

Mentally shaking myself from those thoughts, I continued to sit as all the other girls swarmed around him.

“Okay, that’s enough. Nicolai will give each and every girl here thirty minutes to seduce him. Then, once everyone has gone, he will cast out five of the girls who he didn’t click with.” Adam turned to Nicolai, “Alright, pick your first victim.”

Victim is such an appropriate word.

I have been sitting here for seven hours, waiting and watching as the other girls had their bonding time with this famous Nicolai.

I still can’t remember ever hearing about him.

Oh well, so goes the life of doctor.

Yes, I am Dr. Neveah Harrow, veterinarian and biologist to exotic cats.

I love my job!

“Um, excuse me?”

I glance up from the pocket size book of veterinarian things to know to see Mr. Famous Nicolai himself.

Someone shoot me, please.

“Yes? Did you need something?”

He looked shocked, as if he’s never met a girl who didn’t fall for him at first glance.

Actually, he probably hadn’t, but looks aren’t everything to me.

He looked from me, to the cameras, then back to me.

“Oh, right!” I turned my body to face him, “Hello, I’m Dr. Nevaeh Harrow.”

I don’t hold out my hand.

I’m not trying to be rude, but I really want to be eliminated.

“Uh, I’m Nicolai fieldings” he frowned

“Yes, I know. Well, it was nice to meet you.”

I get up to leave, but turn back when he grabbed my wrist, “You’re just leaving? You don’t want to spend time with me?”

Was I sending cross signals when I specifically walked away from him?

“That’s right. I’ve survived this long without knowing who you are, I’m sure I can live just fine the same way.” His hold on my wrist stopped my escape again, “What do you want?” I asked

He raised an eyebrow, “You owe the show 30 minutes of conversation with me.”

I sighed and then turned to the camera on my left, “Dear watchers of this show that consist of fake love, there have been some technical difficulties and we will now have to take a thirty minute break. Please fell free to indulge in any of the following commercials. Thank you for tuning in.”

I turned back to Nicolai, “There, you now have thirty minutes of free time. Why don’t you go get a clue?”

Heading to the door I was stopped as Adam stepped in front of me.

“I hope you know that was all live.” He informed

“So? I’m known for my experience in the field, not my obsessively girly behavior,” I gestured to the rest of the contestants who were currently trying to get alone time with Nicolai.

“That may be,” He herded me back to the chair I vacated, “But you still need to stay until Nico there eliminates you.”

Sighing I sit for another hour while Nico walked off to think about which girls he wanted to keep.

I can’t wait to go home and get back to my life.

“Alright ladies, I need you to gather around here, Nico will be down to pick his special ten in just a few moments.”

Andrew had us stand in a semi-half circle that surrounded a little raised stage. When Nicolai stepped up onto it, the rest of the girls began to murmur and fidget. Sighing I began to pick at my nails.

“Bernice, Hope, Diana, and Abigail, could you please step forward?” Nicolai asked

When the appropriate girls moved, he continued, “I would be pleased if you agreed to stay on the show.”

As the girls screamed I gazed around the room.

This is going to take forever. As he went through the group, keeping some and tossing out others, I thought about the trip I was planning to Africa. I wanted to do research on the wild African cats and preserve their land.

“Stephanie and Nevaeh, could you please step forward?”

Nicolai’s voice thru me out of my planning, looking around I see that me and the other girl were the last two left.

Finally, I can go home.

Stepping forward I wait for him to tell me to leave.

“Stephanie, you are a wonderful girl. You have unique jokes and always look on the positive side of life.”

Stephanie looked as if she was about to explode with happiness.

“And Nevaeh, how do I explain you?”

I smirked, “You can’t.”

He smiled, “Which is exactly why I have to say, Stephanie, I’m sorry, but we just didn’t click. You won’t be staying on the show.”

♠ ♠ ♠

How's she going to get out of this one?

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