Status: Chapter eleven has been rewritten! Tell me what you think!

Love Game



Yawning, I stretched in my new bed, just waking up. Opening my eyes, I see a camera lodge into the roof, right above my head.

Flipping the camera off, which is something I haven’t done since I was twenty, I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

Taking a shower, I cleanse my body then dress into a t-shirt and jeans. Throwing my damp hair into a messy bun I start to walk to the kitchen.

“Hey! Wait for me!”

I turn to see one of the other contestants running up to me.

“Hi! I just wanted to introduce myself, I’m Diana.”

I shook her extended hand, “Nevaeh.”

“So, I heard you’re a doctor? Have you ever done any surgeries?”

I nodded as we walked into the kitchen, “Yes, they went perfectly.”

She turned to me, “Do you have any experience in the chest area?”

I frowned, “What?”

She looked down the front of her shirt, “I was thinking about getting breast implants.”

I laugh, I just couldn’t help it, “I’m not that kind of doctor. I specialize in exotic cats.”

He face lit up, “Oh! So you’re like an OB/GYN, but to foreign women! What a funny way to explain it! I was actually-“

“No,” I stopped her before she could continue, “I meant that I work with lions, tigers, and leopards, those kinds of cats.”

Her face fell, “Oh, well why didn’t you just say so?”

She left and rummaged through the cabinet.

Didn’t I just…?

Shaking my head I went to the refrigerator and pulled out some eggs and bacon. As I was preparing my breakfast more of the contestants filed in. The last girl to enter stopped and looked at me as I was transferring my food to a plate.

“Thank God, I though I would have to make my own food. It’s good to know that the show hired a cook. I would like egg whites with non-fat bacon, toast with out the crust, low calorie butter on the side, and a glass of orange juice.”

I raised an eyebrow as she sat at the table while the others stared. Ignoring what she said I cleaned up my mess then went and sat across from her, eating my food.

She frowned, “Do you even speak English? Of course not, the show would want to pay the cheapest that they could. Me gustaría claras de huevo con tocino sin grasa, pan tostado con mantequilla a la corteza, bajo en calorías en el costado, y un vaso de jugo de naranja.”

I just continued to eat, ignoring her Spanish.

“You don’t know Spanish either? Can’t these people even hire a decent cook?”

“Lo siento si me insultan tu pequeño cerebro con mi siguiente comentario, pero si tuviera que prestar atención a lo que realmente ocurrió la noche anterior en lugar del día soñando con la cantidad que desee hacer lo malo con un miembro de la casa seguro que entenderán que Yo soy un competidor como usted, no a su cocinero. Ahora usted puede hacer una de dos cosas, puede decir que lo sientes que confundió con mi presencia aquí como el cocinar en vez de un huésped y cocinar su propia comida o puede ser a pie y de infantil de todo.” I replied

(I'm sorry if I insult your tiny brain with my next comment, but if you were to pay attention to what really happened last night instead of day dreaming about how much you wish to do the naughty with a certain house member you would understand that I am a contestant like yourself, not your cook. Now you can do one of two things, you can either say you're sorry that you mistook my being here as the cook instead of a guest and cook your own food or you can walk away and be childish about the whole thing.)

Everyone stared at us in shock. What can I say?

When you travel the world you have to be able to communicate in different languages.

She stood up and walked out, only to come back in dragging an unwilling Adam.

“How can you let this girl stay here after what she just said to me?!”

Adam looked like he was pissed, “I don’t know what’s going on, but I should have known you would be in the middle of it.”

Why is he looking at me?

“Calm down Adam.” Nico supplied as he walked into the room.

“Oh! Thank heaven you’re here, Nicolai. Please inform Adam that this woman needs to be removed from the show.” The woman instantly grabbed Mr. Famous’ arm.

Extracting himself from her grasp, Nico went and pulled out a container of tea, pouring himself a glass, “Bernice, I was watching the whole thing, and you did assume she was the house’s cook. What she said back to you wasn’t insulting in any way. Really, she apologized if it was insulting.”

He took his cup and sat next to me, “So, how are you this fine morning?”

I furrow my brow, “Uh, just peachy.”

I get up and put my empty plate in the dishwasher.

“Hey,” Diana says as she sits in the chair I vacated, “Did you know that Nevaeh is a doctor?”

Everyone is confused at the change of topic, even me.

There were murmured no’s and yeah’s, even one who cares?

“Okay, what’s your point?” a blonde girl asked

“Well, she say’s she’s a doctor to exotic cats, but it’s defiantly not what you think at first! She works on lions and tigers. She’s not an OB/GYN!”

“Oh, God,” I spoke, still at the dishwasher, “Diana, where are you from?”

Nicolai was still trying to clean up the mess he had spilled when Diana made her outburst.

“Oh, this little town in Iowa. Merhcester only has about a hundred people and it’s-“

“Okay, I get it.” I interrupted

No wonder she didn’t know what I was, a town that small wouldn’t think about the preservation of wild animals.

Leaving the rest of the group in a mixed state of laughter and shock, I walked out and started down a hall.

Within minutes I was lost.

God, why did they have to make such a big house? I mean, really, at least install a ‘you are here’ map in every hall and room.

You would think I would be a great navigator, since I go out to uncharted lands and research animals, but I’m not.

Navigating is what my other partners are for; I just scout for the cats.

Walking into yet another room, I find myself in a man cave.

There were arcade games, pool tables, big screen TVs. Anything a man would want is in this room.

Walking over to the TV I look through the DVDs.

Yup, the room even supplies porn.

Laughing quietly, I walked back to the door, only to have it bang against my face.

“Oh dang! I’m so sorr- Oh, it’s only you.”

I look up, rubbing my forehead, to see Adam.

Great, this must be his room.

“What are you doing in my room?”

Yup, my luck just keeps getting better and better.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said as I walked past him, “I’m not in your room, I was never in your room, and you never saw me anywhere near here.” I said as calmly as I could, hoping to confuse him long enough for me to get out of sight.

It almost worked.

“Hey! Get back here right now!”

At the sound of his furious voice I start to run, dodging his every step. I turn a corner and see the door to the back of the house.

Good, just a few more steps and I’ll be-

“Oof,” I mumble as I run straight into a wall.

Bouncing off the object I prepared to hit the ground, only to stop halfway there.

Looking up I see that it wasn’t a wall I hit, but Nicolai, and he had his arms around me.

I push away just as Adam skids to a stop.

“Good Lord, how hard can you be?” I complain as both men look at me with confusion, “Go eat half a dozen cupcakes or something.”

Stepping around the men I continue my way outside.

Hopefully I’ve dodged that bullet, a.k.a. Adam
♠ ♠ ♠
I want to eat a cup cake : (

Oh well, hope you guys like it!

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