Status: Chapter eleven has been rewritten! Tell me what you think!

Love Game



“Evan, you need to make sure that the new intern fills out the medical bags and packages correctly.”

I heard a soft sigh over the phone line, “Calm down, Nevaeh. Amanda is doing just fine, she’s even bonded with Night.”

I hold the phone tighter as I think of my little black leopard cub I was rehabilitating, “That’s good, someone needs to be paying attention to that little rascal.”

My partner, Dr. Evan Sporaski, laughed, “Little rascal is right. That cub ate one of my student’s assignments. Now what am I supposed to tell Susie? That she needs to redo work that took her two months to complete and finish it in three days?”

“You know Susie is a great student, she gets all A’s. Just give her a good grade, which is what she would have gotten if you had read it.” I informed

Evan’s response was drowned out as a harsh knocking began to sound at the door. Telling Evan that I would call him back later, I opened the door to see an aggravated Adam.

Is he always so grumpy?

“You need to come down to the main room; Nico’s picking the women he wants to take on a date tonight.”

“How many is he taking?” I ask as I follow him out of the Phone Room.


“But isn’t he supposed to only connect with only one?”


“Then why is he taking three?”


I’m getting really tired of monosyllabic answers.

Just when I was about to comment on his poor language skills, we entered the main room. Nico was already on the stage and it looked like I was the last to arrive.

Really, they should have started without me. I wouldn’t have cared.

Smiling, Nicolai addressed the room, “Good afternoon, I just wanted to let you guys know who I am choosing for tonight so that the girls have time to get ready.”

He paused so that the giddy girls could stop giggling, “Bernice, Abigail, and Racheal, would you three do me the honor of being my dates for this evening?”

The sudden screams that filled the room forced me to cover my ears.

If I find out they made my ears bleed they’re paying my doctor bills.

Turning to leave, since the festivities were obviously still continuing, I was stopped once again by Adam.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I placed my hands on my hips, “To call Evan back. You interrupted a very important conversation.”

“I don’t care. You now belong to the show, and it’s boring to the watchers to have you sit on the phone all day.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

I mimicked his movement, “What the watchers want to see is someone fake falling in love with someone else who’s fake.”

Adam frowned, “Are you saying that Nico is fake?”

“Ding ding ding, tell us, what has Adam won? Of course he’s fake, just look at him!” I point to where Nico is standing, listening with fake interest as Bernice talks about make up.

“He’s just being a gentleman.” Adam insisted

“No, he’s being nice so that he can get into her pants, which, from my stand point, wouldn’t be all that difficult.”

He frowned again, “You can tell that without listening to their conversation?”

“Of course, I’ll even give you a little lesson. Do you see where his gaze is? He’s looking straight down at her cleavage.”

Adam followed the point of my finger, “So? She’s purposely pushing them out.”

“Yes, and that leads me to assume that she’s easy. Now, look at where his hand is placed.”

“At the small of her back.” His voice held amusement

“No, look closer. He’s actually touching the curve of her rear.”

“Okay, so he wants to get her into bed. That doesn’t mean he’s fake.”

I sighed, “This show is about love, right?”

He nodded

“That,” I pointed to Nico and the girl, “Might be real lust, but it’s fake love.”

Pushing past Adam, I continue my way out of the room.

For some reason I feel too depressed to talk to anyone.


The next two days were uneventful.

Besides pissing Adam off, I was completely bored.

Nico went on two more dates, each taking three people.

I was glad he left me out of them.

Walking through the living room I see Abigail and Marisol talking about their dates.

“He took us to this very romantic restraint by the beach. A violinist played soft music for us the entire night!”

Marisol flicked her hand, “He bought everyone bracelets on our date. They have little charms that he picked out just for us!”

I tried to hold back my laughter, but failed.

Unique bracelets that match?


“What are you laughing about? The fact that Nicolai can’t even stand to be around you for one night? He purposely left you out of his dates!” Marisol spat with venom.

I raised an eyebrow, “And that bothers me why?”

“Don’t you feel left out? He doesn’t want to be near you!” Abigail inserted.

“No, I don’t feel left out because the feeling’s mutual.”

“That’s a shame,” Nico spoke from the doorway, “Because I was planning to take you out tonight, just the two of us.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Should she go on a date with him?

Yay? Nay?

Oh, and I used google's translator for the spanish, so don't hate me if it's wrong!

: )