Status: Chapter eleven has been rewritten! Tell me what you think!

Love Game



“I’m not wearing that.”

Adam sigh, “You have to wear something nice and I’m almost positive you don’ own any dresses.”

He’s right, I don’t.

“I can’t wear that! It looks like a wedding dress!” I pointed to the white garment that was lying on my bed.

“It’s not a wedding dress, trust me. Just put it on.”

He slammed my door shut.

I walk to the dress and gently touch the fabric.

Not a wedding dress, yeah right.

It was a white gown held by thin, barely there straps, and silver detain. The dress came with matching jewelry and arm sleeves.

Yup, defiantly not a wedding dress.

Sighing, I change into it, surprised at how well it fit. The skirt stopped at my knees, not too short to show anything, but not too long that I would trip. Neither was the dress skin tight or princess puffed. It was just a straight skirt.

There was a silver band wrapped around my hips that attached with a diamond like buckle.

I place the jewelry in the appropriate spot and slide the arm sleeves on.

How are they supposed to stay up? They started at my wrist and ended just below my shoulder.

Oh well, I’ll just take them off it they start to bother me.

Looking at the time I notice that I have about thirty minutes before we leave.

Why did I agree to this stupid date?

Because, to quote Adam, ‘You now belong to the show and will entertain the show’s audience.’

Whatever, I just want to get it over with.

Brushing through my soft curls, I let my hair flow down my back

Sliding on the matching diamond heels that wrapped around my foot I cautiously walk down to the main room.

I never wear heals, but just like I never wear dresses I must ‘sacrifice for the good of the watchers’.

Where does Adam come up with these sayings?

Tripping on the last step, I hold tighter to the rail, catching myself.

“Good lord, don’t you know how to walk?” Bernice spat as she watched me from the main room.

“Hello Bernice, how are you?” I ask politely as I straighten and walk the rest of the way down.

She gave me a dirty look, “What are you wearing? Could you at least be a little more subtle in you gold digging? I mean really, a wedding dress?”

She glanced at my feet, “And fake diamonds? How tacky.”

I rolled my eyes and moved around her, heading to the front door.

I’m really not in the mood to play her childish games.

But, like every child, she has to have the last say and prove her adultness, so she grabbed my arm and spun me around.

I totter on my heels.

“You leave Nicolai alone, hear me?” her eyes scared me, it was like I was looking into a killers eyes, “I don’t know why you’re here, but you won’t be for long.”

I smiled, “That’s nice, I really can’t wait to go home. Now you listen to me,” I pulled her hand from my arm, twisting it slightly before I let it go, “You don’t want to mess with me. I suggest you leave me alone because I‘ve taken down cats three times your size. You’re just the cat nip I can feed to them.”

I turned away from her shocked face, only to trip over Nico.

“Did I interrupt something?” He asked as he helped me stand.

“Nope,” I said, “We were just talking about girl stuff, that right Bernice?”

I look at her as she tried to hide the fear in her eyes, “That’s right, have a good night.”

She practically ran up the stairs.

“So, ready to go?” I asked as Nico tried to figure out what just happened

“Sure,” He grabbed my elbow and led me to a shiny black limo.

Once inside, the drive pulled into traffic.

“Nice dress,” Nico smirked

I looked at his tux, which is missing the tie and had the first two buttons undone.

“Nice tie.”

He laughed and smoothed down his shirt, “I’m not a tie guy, makes me think there’s a noose around my neck”

I laugh and sit back, “Makes sense.”

The rest of the ride was made in silence, Nico looking out of his window and I looking out of mine.

Awkward since this was supposed to be a date.

When the driver pulled up to this really expensive restaurant Nico opened the door and helped my out, making sure to hold my hand as we entered.

“Reservation for Fieldings.”

We followed the waiter to a small table in the back, secluded for intimacy.

After we ordered our drinks, a very pricey wine for Nico and water for me, the waiter left us alone with our menus.

We sat in silence until the waiter came back, jotting down our food choices.

Well, this is going perfectly.

“So, what is with that dress? It is a bit formal, beautiful on you, but a bit weddingy.”

I looked up at Nico, “You can thank Adam for that. He would let me pick out my own clothes.”

Nico laughed, “He is a bit motherly.”

“No, more like annoying brother.”

We both gave an awkward laugh.

Turning to my left, I see one of the camera men who came with us.

The show must go on.

Oh God, Adam, get out of my head!

Turning back to Nico I ask, “So why me?”

He looked up from his glass, “Hmm?”

“Why’d you choose me for a single date? You could have taken four women out.”

“Oh, well, the other girls are easy to understand, even when they’re in a crowd. I wanted to get to know you with out the distractions.”

Aw, that’s kind of cute.

“Well, what do you want to know?”

Nico waited till the waiter left after bringing us our food, “Everything. What was it like growing up for you? What do you do know? How do you like your life? Do you think I’m hot?”

He added that last question in so seriously and straight faced I has to laugh, “Growing up was normal, I was the typical teenager, getting good grades and arguing with my parents. Now I’m a veterinarian and biologist to exotic cats, as Diana so graciously informed everyone a few days ago. I love my job, it lets me have an adventure everyday, and yes, you are hot, but,” I added as his face lit up, “men have to be more then just ‘hot’ to catch me.”

He laughed, “I am more, being hot is just the added benefit.”

“What about you? What was growing up Nicolai Fieldings like?” I took a bite

He frowned, “Nothing like what you think. My parents were stars, so they didn’t have much time for me. I started movies when I was just a baby, so I had the child star life. I was taking voice and dancing lessons at the age of six, and had anything money could by.”

“It must have been hard,” I said quietly

He looked at me with shock, “Why do you say that?”

“Well, kids need their parents, and a stable environment. They need to be told no and not have everything they want,” I looked up at his blue eyes, “They need boundaries and responsibilities.”

He sat back, “You’re the first to think of it that way, normally people assume it was the easy life, the perfect life.”

We sat in silence again, eating our meals.

“So how do your parents think of you working with animals that could kill you?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered, “my parents died when a drunk driver crashed into their car almost ten years ago.”

He reached over and took my hand, “I’m sorry.”

Taking a deep breath I extract my hand, sitting straighter, “It’s all right, I’ll never really be over it, but I can move on thinking they would be proud of me.”

He nodded his head, “I’m sure they would be.”

Another silence followed, neither of us knowing what to say.

When there was a cough by our table, we both looked up to see a woman around my age looking at Nico.

“Um, I was just wondering if I could get your autograph.”

“Sure,” Nico smiled as he signed her napkin.

She mumbled a thank you and scurried off, just as more women came to the table.

Nico looked as if he was in heaven with all the girls giving him complements.

I was fine with it, just watching the women make fools of themselves until one commented about me.

“I can’t believe you would keep her, I mean really, she’s not even pretty.”

Nico just sat and smiled at the girl.

“And her attitude is horrible! How dare she be so mean to Bernice when it was a simple miss understanding? Of course people would think she’s a cook with the way she dresses!”

Miss understanding? What’s wrong with my clothing style?

Nico just nodded, the jerk

“She just needs to be eliminated, she’s not even close to being worthy of you.”

I’ve had enough.

Standing, I bring everyone’s attention to me, the girl pretending she didn’t know I was there.

“Oh! I am so sorry, if I had known-“

“Shut it. You’ve had your say, now it’s my turn.”

I look at everyone, staring at Nico last.

“If everyone is in agreement of my status in the house then I guess there’s only one thing I should do after all the insults I’ve taken.”


I stop whatever Nico was saying by raising my hand, “You have to right to speak after silently agreeing with all of the insults being thrown at me.”

He looked shocked.

I turn to the girl, “You should really get to know people before you assume things about them, Karma’s a mean bitch.”

I turn back to Nico, “And not worthy of you? Please, you’re just a good looking shell. Nothing inside of you is worthy of the love you seek on this stupid show.”

“I never said you weren’t worthy of me.” He spoke

The girl decided to make things worse for herself, “He may not have said it, but everyone knows that you’re not pretty enough to be within twenty feet of a man like Nicolai.”

She looked so smug that I did something I never thought I would ever do. Taking the wine bottle I empty the contents all over her over priced body.

The sight of her expensive make up smearing was one of the best things ever.

But what was even better was the look on Nico’s face as I upended my plate of food on top of his head.

Walking with all my dignity I exit the restaurant and get into the limo, informing the driver that I wanted to go back to the mansion.

Nico can take a cab.
♠ ♠ ♠
It was really hard to insult Nevaeh, cuz I love her so much....

But I think I did a good job, yes?

The dress:

The shoes: