Status: Chapter eleven has been rewritten! Tell me what you think!

Love Game




I laugh as my suitcase thumped down the stairs.

At least I’m going out with a bang, or a few of them.

Pulling my case down the last step I sigh, the one think I will miss is this wonderfully house.

It really is beautiful.

Opening the door, I exit the house and wait for the cab I had called.

I thought it would be here by now, but maybe there’s a lot of traffic.

Setting my bags down I sit on front steps and look to the camera man.

“Doesn’t that thing ever get heavy?”

He gave a quiet laugh, then, going against protocol, put the camera down and sat next to me.

Though he did make sure the camera was still focused and rolling.

“Yeah, it’s always heavy, but being able to do what I love makes it worth it.” He spoke

I nod, understanding.

“You’ve been following me this whole time,” I point out, “But I still don’t know your name.”

He laughs and holds his hand out, “Ben.”

We shake hands, then go back to silence.

When is this cab going to be here?

“Why do you want to leave?”

I turn and see Ben staring at me.

“Because this place is a nut house.”

He raises an eyebrow before I continue, “It’s like high school all over again. Multiple girls fight to win the popular guy. They’ll go to any means, especially sabotage to win the prize.”

I look down at my hands, “Why does anyone have to be something to own?”

“You’ve been hurt.”

I laugh, “Hurt is such a funny word. It’s only four letters long, but it masks so much meaning and pain.”

“Who was it?” he asks softly

“A guy, so cliché isn’t it?”

Ben stayed quiet.

“He entered into my life at the right time so he could reshape me into the creation he wanted, but one wrong move from him lifted the fog and showed me just what I had gotten into.”

I turn and look at him, “So I got out, but the time spent with him will always be with me.”

He looked at me with sympathy, “I’m sorry. Times like that makes me wish I wasn’t a man.”

I laughed, “Unlike other girls, I know all men are different.”

We sit in comfortable silence.

But all good times must end.

“What are you doing outside?”

We both look to see Adam at the door entrance.

“I’m waiting for my cab and Ben is keeping me company.” I inform as Ben grabs his camera and resumes his job.

Adam frowned, “I called and canceled the cab, you’re not leaving.”

“What?” I get off the step, “Why would you do that?!”

“Because the only way you can leave is if Nico asks you to. It’s in the contract you filled out.” Adam reached down and snagged my bag.

“I didn’t fill out squat!” I yelled as we reentered the house.

“Doesn’t matter, Nico is eliminating four girls tonight. Maybe we’ll all get lucky and you’re one of them.”

I don’t follow him up the stairs as he goes to put my bag in my room. Instead I walk to the Phone Room.

I need to talk to Aliy.


Nico was standing on his little stage, a smile on his face.

“Bernice, Diana, and Megan, could you please step forward?”

He continued to smile as they walked to him, “I would be pleased if you agreed to stay.”

Amid the screaming Nico turned back to the rest of us, “Hope, Abigail, and Brittany, could you please step forward?”

“I’m sorry, but I just didn’t connect with any of you.”

Now, along with the giggling, was the sound of weeping as three girls left.

“Kelly and Marisol, could you please step forward?”

He smiled at them, “I would be pleased if you stayed.”

Why must they screech so loud?

“Racheal and Nevaeh? Please step forward.”

I walk up with Racheal, please don’t let this be a repeat of last time.

Nico smirked at me, that must not be good.

“Racheal, I’m sorry, but we didn’t click. Nevaeh, I want you to stay.”

Why me?


I sat in my room, feeling defeated.

Why can’t he just kick me out? What’s so special about me?

It’s been a whole week.

A whole, terrible week.

First was Bernice.

All she talked about was how perfect she and Nico were and that I should bow down to her perfectness.

Yeah, I’ll get right on that.

Diana, Kelly, and I weren’t really friends, but I would choose to hang out with them instead of Bernice, Marisol, and Megan.

Nico and I went on another date.

No, I didn’t pour food or anything.

We actually didn’t talk at all.

He had set out a picnic on the beach, cliché right?

Anyways, all we did was watch the boats and surfers.

It was nice.

Ben is really my only friend; we talk all the time now.

And Adam? Well, he’s like the annoying cousin twice removed.

And maybe he’s kind of growing on me.

What can I say? His antics are funny.

But the reason I feel defeated?

I just found out that Night, my little leopard cub, just got really sick, and he’s not letting anyone near him.

Taking a deep breath, I leave my room and walk to find Adam.

I find him and Nico in the main room, chatting.

“I’m leaving.”

They both turn to look at me, on shocked and one angry.

“No, you’re not!” Adam almost yelled.

“Listen,” I cut them off, “This isn’t about you or the show. One of my cat’s is really sick and I have to get to him.”

Adam looked furious, Nico confused

“What’s wrong with him?” Nico asked

“He’s really sick, and not letting anyone near him. I have to go.”

I turn, but Adam stopped me, “You can’t leave!”

I look back at them, “It’s either me leaving, or Night coming here.”

Adam was about to argue again, but Nico spoke first.

“That sounds like a splendid idea.”

“What?!” Adam and I yell
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm bringing Night into the story!


I want a Night *makes sad face*

Thanks to Smurf for the killer banner!