Status: Chapter eleven has been rewritten! Tell me what you think!

Love Game




Three days later I am sitting on the front steps, eagerly awaiting Night’s arrival.

I really can’t believe Nico would allow a leopard cub into his home, but who am I to argue?

Really, this once I’m going to keep my mouth shut and just let it happen.

When Dr. Sporaski’s SUV pulled up I shot from the stairs, racing to the car and throwing the back open to see my baby in a little cage.

“I see how it is,” Evan called as he walked to my side.

Smiling, I gather Night into my arms and turn to Evan, “Hello, it really is great to see you.”

We gave each other a hug, being careful not to crush Night. When I look back down at Night I’m amazed at how big he’s grown.

“He’s about the size of an adult house cat, huh?”

Evan nodded as I noticed Nico, Adam, and Diana walk toward us.

“Hello, welcome to the Love Game mansion, I’m Nicolai, this is Adam, the producer, and Diana, one of the contestants.”

After introductions were made Nico turned to me, “So this is Night, may I pet him?”

I smirked as Evan looked worried, “Of course.”

But my smirk soon turned into a frown as Night allowed Nico to touch him, the little traitor even rubs closer.

Night must really be sick, he doesn’t like people besides me.

“He’s really soft. What makes him black?” Nico asked

“The color is a recessive gene mutation, the mother and father can be the standard gold and black, but the melanistic gene will the fur to be dark. The liter can be a mix of light and dark cubs, but if both of the parents are black then most likely the whole liter will be black.” I answered as Diana and Adam came closer to see the cub.

When Diana tried to reach out Night gave a tiny hiss and swatted at her hand.

Now he’s back to normal.

I laugh, reaching back into the SUV to grab Night’s collar and leash.

How else do you think I’m going to control him in this house?

After applying the hunter green material I l let Night walk on his own.

“What was wrong with him?” I ask Evan

The doctor frowned, “Well, he wouldn’t get up. All he did was lay in his bed and barely ate anything, but he seems fine now.”

“He must have missed you, Nevaeh.” Diana supplied

Evan nodded the started to jiggle his keys, “well, I need to go. Henry and Amy are waiting for me back at the hotel.”

We said our goodbyes and watched as the SUV faded away.

“well, that was fun, but if you’ll excuse me?” I walked to the house, Night following my on his leash.

“Wait!” Adam called, “You can’t take him into the house!”

I turn as I open the door, “Of course I can.”

I shut the door behind Night as Nico and Adam argued.

Hmm, it seems like they argue a lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is so short that even I am yelling at myself...

But at least it's an update!
