Status: im planning on rewriting each chapter after awhile, so each typo you see will be fixed in time. (: comment please

My Name Is Halloween

Down a Dark Hall

The hallways were dark, but thanks to my vision I could still see pretty clearly. I weaved my way past lockers and dressing rooms; until I finally came to my own, which was inconveniently placed near the back of the academy.
I stood at my door, letting my shoulders drop with relief. This was one of those days where I’d much have rather disappeared and died then to this mission or be the way I am. I have to admit, sometimes it was wonderful being a demon; being so strong and reach out to great heights no human can…but then again, being soft and lazy wouldn’t be so hard either.

Then it was once again my mind drifted to little Morgan, at least the tenth thousandth time since I had left the masters chamber.

Soft, little…My brain toyed with those words. I closed my eyes. Such a small girl she was, who seemed to fragile. I remembered seeing her standing outside the door of her apartment, where she lived with her now dead mother. I remembered her small frame, who skinny legs shaking as if being unable to bear her own weight for very much longer. The eyes, oh, the dark blue eyes wide enough you could feel like you could she through her skull and spot every thought that ran through her head. How scared she must have been; a tall, skinny blonde boy sweeping her off her feet and dropping her into the harms of shadows with pale red eyes, and clean sharp. My chest tightened at the thought of it.

“ Harlowe? “ Suddenly a small, thin voice broke my thoughts. I opened my eyes, realizing my hand had been on the door handle the whole entire time. I glanced down at my bare chest, feeling my cheeks blush with shame.

“ How long have you been standing there, Nina? “ I asked her quietly.

Nina smiled, shaking her head. She was a slender girl, maybe a few inches shorter than I am. Long, glossy blonde hair hung loosely behind her shoulders, silky and straight. Her eyes were green and mild, innocence written all over them. My breath caught, crossing my arms to cover my nipples.

“Only a few minutes, “ She replied. “ Why do you look so…embarrassed? I’ve seen a hairy chest before. “ She laughed steadily, her shoulders bouncing a little bit.

My face flushed a deeper red. God, I’m such a dumb ass.

“ I got to go, “ I mumbled, turning my back to her. I twisted my wrist on the knob, opening the door, being sure not to make it creak too loud.

Nina didn’t seem offended. “ I’ll talk to you later, Harlowe Halloween. “ She stressed the last part of my name teasingly.

I looked back at her, smiled, then shut the door behind me.


It was in the middle of the night, point blank. I opened my eyes, waking up to noises. Many noises. I blinked, surprised everyone wasn’t asleep. I rose up slowly, throwing my feet off the side of the bed. My room was a small place for living, but had basically all I needed to live on. A bed for one person, clean sheets, a bathroom, and all the food I needed, which almost always get thrown away after a few weeks, since I fill myself up in the mess hall.

“What the hell is going on? “ I shouted, hopefully loud enough so someone outside could hear me. Not getting an answer, I rubbed my eyes, then dragged myself to the door. Now, I could hear the shouting. Tanks to my sensitive ears, I could make out what was being said, even if it was no where close to my room.

“ The girl! “ I heard a guy shout. “ She’s gone! Oh, my….” His voice faded.

Stressed, I opened the door. I swung open easily, without a sound.

“ Can you tell me what happened to my mother? I want to know…” I heard a small voice below me. My head jerked down.

It was the girl.