Status: New!

My Baby Sister's Boyfriend


Throughout all of Calculus, Jack wouldn’t shut up. All he did was ask about what was bugging me. Part of me just wanted to out and tell him, but another part told me not to—Jack was a blabbermouth, and, as much as I love the guy, he can’t be trusted with huge secrets like this. I couldn’t risk this secret getting out, especially if I’m not even certain if it’s true or not. And I couldn’t risk Charlotte finding out—if she did, I knew she would never speak to me again.

“C’mon, Alex, tell me.” Jack pestered, prodding me with his pencil.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I sighed, trying to work out one of the problems on the worksheet the sub had given us.

“You always say that and you end up talking about it.” Jack stated. I rolled my eyes and told him to back off. I didn’t want to talk about it.

The rest of the day and the rest of the week went by slowly and with more pestering from Jack. He was curious and he wanted me to tell him what was bugging him. I knew that any good friend would want to know what was bothering their friend so much, but I just couldn’t tell Jack. I had to figure all this out myself before I talked to anyone about it.

As Jack and I walked past a group of juniors on our way to our lockers, I caught the end of a sentence.

“…going to Greg Callagher’s party tonight?” One girl asked the group.

“I am,” I recognized my sister’s voice. “So is Martin.”

I made a mental note to find out when the party was. Greg Callagher was a senior; he was in my English class last year.

“Are you going to Callagher’s party tonight?” I asked Jack.

“Are you going?” Jack asked skeptically. I didn’t go to parties too much anymore, especially not during the school year. I stopped going when Charlotte started going.

I shrugged. “I might.”

“Well, if you go, I’ll go.” Jack said when we reached our lockers.

That night, Jack showed up at my front door wearing skinny jeans and a bright shirt. His hoodie was black and his hair was a usual wreck. I was dressed similarly, skinny jeans and a plaid shirt.

“Where are you boys going all dressed up?” Mom asked when we walked into the kitchen.

“A party,” I said.

“At Greg Callagher’s house,” Jack added.

No way.” Charlotte’s voice broke into the conversation. “I’m going to a party at Greg Callagher’s tonight!”

“We can hang out then,” Jack smiled.

Mom,” Charlie whined. “They can’t go!”

“Charlotte Marie, don’t be so dramatic. I’m sure Alex and Jack won’t embarrass you.” Mom laughed.

“I’ll give you a ride,” I offered, twirling the keys to the car around my finger.

“Martin’s picking me up,” Charlotte snapped. I tensed at the sound of your name. Jack noticed but no one else did.

“Okay,” I managed to say. “C’mon Jack, let’s go.”

In the car, Jack waited until we were out of the driveway and halfway down the street before he started to ask about my reaction in the kitchen.

“Do you not like Martin or something?” He asked. My breath hitched at the sound of your name.

“No.” I stated. “He’s a nice guy.”

“Then what was with that in the kitchen?” Jack asked. I shrugged. I didn’t want to talk about you or anything pertaining to you. I just wanted to go to the party, probably get wasted, and maybe find a girl to make out with or something. Anything to get my mind off of you and, honestly, I hadn’t been to a party or gotten laid in such a long time.

Greg Callagher’s house was filled with sweaty, grinding bodies, booze, smoke and sex. It was too obvious that his parents were gone for the weekend and at least three quarters of the juniors and seniors were partying it up at his place. It felt refreshing to be at a party. It’d been about half a year since the last time I was at a party. I needed to loosen up and let go a little; just to forget you and my sister and all my troubles. Tonight wasn’t about drama or sexuality; it was just about drinking and getting laid.

“Wanna start off with a beer?” Jack suggested.

“Sounds great,” I said, and we made our way over to the kitchen to find the alcohol.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's been forever again.