Beauty Was the Beast


"One, Two, Three. One, Two,Three. One, Two, Three." The music echos. The flames on the candle tips lick the air happily as they cast shadows on the cave walls. The underground is alive with the deathly beat. Out of the darkness her children leap and twirl queerly as they were born to. The skulls gnash their teeth as they chant the never changing rhythm, "One, Two, Three.". They bend their bones and twist their limbs in a enchantingly skeletal dance. In the dim light, in the circle of bones, he and she are there. He sing along and laughs joyously as he forever keeps her prisoner in his arms, dancing away with her as the room fills with desperate screams. She sways limply in his embrace, not entirely sure if she was awake or alive. 'How long has this been going on', she wonders. It seems like forever.

"Darling isn't this wonderful?" He purrs as he finally removes his face from her neck to take her eyes, her soul, captive once more. When did he put his face there? Why did his gaze freeze her? It felt as though he dips her mind, body, and soul, into ice whenever he looks at her. When did that start happening?

"I'm tired." She answers quietly. She is tired. Her being feels like it has been moving a lifetime without rest. She is starting to think she is loosing the ability to feel altogether. He smirks that crocodile smile that had gotten her into this mess . His eyes find their way into her mind and she hears him saying "Yes, I suppose you are tired." but his mouth never forms the words. So she stays put, not really understanding what she should or shouldn't do, and she waits for him to talk like she knows he will.

"Another dance then, yes?" He inquires with a smile that makes her lose track of thought and time. She vaguely remembers that he has asked this before, perhaps at a time when she reminded him that she was suppose to be somewhere at sometime or something of that sort, but she quickly forgets this as the music starts again and they are off swinging once more. After the song slows down to a softer more haunting tune she buries her head on his shoulder completely obvious to the howling laughter of the demons and skeletons that surround her as all she knows now is him, the pulsing music, and this eternal dance she is in.

When the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never,
because a dance with the devil might last you
♠ ♠ ♠
It's late, i'm tired, and this is my first post.
Leave comments if you want.
If you see any mistakes please notify me, that would be really cool!
Also if you have any suggestions on how I could have made this any that would be awesome if you said so!