Status: Updated :) Enjoy.

H.B. and Gypsy


“Can I borrow your pen…please?” I asked. Im not sure why I felt that I needed to do what I did…but It felt right.

He gave me a curious glance and handed me the pen.

I took his hand that I was holding and pulled it closer to me. I began to write on his palm.

It only took a second…and then I took my hand from his and began to stand up. I glanced back at him and saw him mouth the words that I had written to himself, without actually voicing it. All I wrote was "Thank you." He started smiling at my words.

By the time he looked up, I was already gone.

This is Ever and Landon's story.

And This Is Just The Beginning.


The Plot-Mine.
The Characters-Mine.
This Story-Mine.
What Will Happen If You Steal It- Bad, Bad, Things...