Sequel: Hit and Run

Inner Demons

Chapter Fourteen

They had fallen asleep by now, while Ray and Frank went back to the house. Delia let out a soft whimper in her sleep and curled closer to her brother. He absentmindedly began to play with her hair, sighing gently as he did so. Nadine was asleep as well, curled up on a small couch in the corner of the room. Mikey glanced over at Bob but then hung his head. Bob watched this, "Hey, umm, do you know what time it is?"

Mikey blushed a bit, and glanced down at his watch, "Almost midnight,"

Bob nodded, then sighed, "God, it's never taken this long before,"

Mikey didn't reply, and shuddered as a group of doctors rushed past. Delia stirred, and opened her eyes, "Uhh... Gerard?"

Bob looked down at her, "Shh, go back to sleep... Mikey, I think I'm gonna take the girls back to the house,"

Delia whined in protest, "No, I wanna stay here,"

Bob shook his head, "Del, I really don't think you should see Gerard just yet... he's too sick,"

Delia rolled her eyes, "He's been in the hospital before, you all have... it's not much of a shock anymore,"

Bob sighed again, "Delia, this is more than just a sprain or a burn or a cut, Gerard is... seriously injured. I just wouldn't feel right if you had to see him,"

Delia crossed her arms and yawned, "Well, I've got to see him eventually,"

At that moment, the door was opened by a young nurse, he looked tired, "I understand you are here for Gerard Way?"

Mikey sat up a bit, "Is he out of surgery?"

The nurse nodded, "Unfortunately, they are having some trouble getting him stabilized... I'm afraid only direct family members can see him right now,"

Mikey wiped a few tears from his eyes, "Alright, well I'm his brother, may I see him now?"

The nurse nodded and motioned for Mikey to follow him. He said a simple goodbye to Bob, and followed behind the nurse. He lead him to an unmarked room, and smiled tautly, "The doctor is already in there if you have any questions..."

Mikey nodded slowly and walked inside the room. He didn't see much, his view was obscured by a blue striped curtain. He cleared his throat, "Umm, hello?"

A head poked put from the curtain, she was an older black woman, with soft laugh lines or her face. She blinked, "Hello?"

Mikey gulped, "I'm uhhh, Mikey Way... Gerard's brother,"

She smiled, "I'm Dr. Malder... I over saw your brother's operation,"

Mikey nodded slowly, "May I see him?"

The doctor gasped, "Oh, of course,"

She pulled back the curtain, and Mikey let out a small cry, he had never seen anything so... scary. Gerard was laying on the bed, his skin matched the crisp, white sheets he was laying on. He was naked, save for a small cloth draped across his his hips. His arms were wrapped in thick, manilia bandages, and he had layers of gauze taped to his right side. Mikey looked up at the doctor, "Is he... awake?"

"We had him sedated for the duration of his operation, he should be waking up soon,"

Mikey nodded, and touched the bandaged on his brother's hands, "What's wrong with him?"

"He's lost a lot of blood, we've had to do several transfusions... his left wrist is broken, as well as some knuckles, and his right arm has severe nerve damage," she explained, sitting down next to him.

Mikey sniffed and stroked Gerard's wrist, "How long will he need to stay here?"

"Well, at least five days under suicide watch and another..."

Mikey cut her off, "Suicide? He wasn't trying to kill himself..."

The doctor paled a bit, "He had several signs of suicide attempts, including tranquilizers in his blood stream,"

Mikey sighed, it was no use fighting with her. He turned back to his brother, and whimpered as he felt Gerard's hand jerk. Mikey watched him for a moment, and started to scream as Gerard's heart stop beating. Mikey backed against the wall and watched as the doctor ran from the room, "I NEED A CRASH CART IN TRAUMA 20!" she yelled down the hall.

as she came back into the room, she saw Mikey cowering in the corner, heavy tears in his eyes, "You need to get out," she said relatively calmly, as she began to compress Gerard's chest.

Mikey let out a whimper, he couldn't feel his legs, "Out!" Dr. Malder yelled, pointing at the door.

Mikey bolted from the room, crashing into Bob and Delia. Bob's eyes were wide and cloudy, "They said something happened to Gerard..."

Mikey turned to Delia, she looked incredibly tired, "Mikey, what's going on?"

He let out a choked sob as doctor and nurses bustled past them, "He... his heart..." was all he managed to get out.

Delia gave a weak scream and ran to the door, crumpling to the ground as they shocked him, "Mikey!" she cried, burying her face in her hands.

He went to her cautiously, draping on arm around her and whispering comfortingly, feeling his stomach plummet. Bob walked over to them and knelt down, "Delia, come here,"

She shook her head, "I want Mikey!" she demanded, curling into him.

Mikey looked up at Bob, 'I'm so sorry for all this," he mouthed, stroking Delia's hair.

Bob touched his shoulder gingerly, "I know... me too,"

Then he walked off, perhaps to go wake up Nadine. Mikey held Delia closer, and sighed, "It's okay... he'll be okay,"

Delia sobbed, her voice was sandy, "No he won't!"

Dr. Malder appeared from the doorway, "Mr. Way... if you could come here,"

Delia looked up at him desperately, "Can she come too... she's practically a sister,"

Dr. Malder sighed, "Yes," and she opened the door to let them in.

A few doctors were still milling around, writing things down on clipboards, but a majority of them had left. Mikey stared at the bed though, Gerard was splayed across it, his black hair spread messily across his face. A smile tugged at Mikey's lips, and he felt Delia's hands tighten around his arm. There was a soft beeping coming from a small screen near the bed, and fog was gathering on the oxygen mask covering Gerard's face. Mikey's knees gave out and he began to cry, out of fear and sadness, but then out of joy. His brother was back, and Mikey planned on doing everything he could to keep it that way.