‹ Prequel: Renny Boy
Sequel: Brendan Dude
Status: Regular updates every Sunday and Wednesday (when it begins)

Soria Girl

The Sweetness Will Not Be Concerned With Me

The week zoomed by just like it did before. But still, I had to tell Aliyah and Kobe that I was moving - and unlike before, I didn’t procrastinate.

The hard part was telling Michael, which was a downer and really tough to squeeze out. But at least he didn’t pull a gun on me or say “I’m glad you’re gone, bitch!”

I told them all a couple days after I found out. I guess I wasn’t as scared, since what happened in the last six months was surreal. I went back home, which I never thought would happen, and now I was going back to Claymore. I was NOT expecting that. I mean, if it was suddenly decided we were going back to Santa Monica and then moving back to Claymore, heck, anything could happen.

Who’s to say I wouldn’t see them again?

Man, was I looking forward to seeing Claymore again! What the guys were hiding kept me wondering to no end. On top of that, Plaster Caster could reunite and play at the dance Ren told me about. I was glad those guys waited for me too, instead of going ahead with a different guitarist.

And on top of that, there was that soft spot for Ren that wasn’t going away anytime soon.

…I wonder if all that stuff meant we were boyfriend and girlfriend. God, I’m clueless.

One thing that wouldn’t quit nagging away in my brain was the inevitable confession that I almost punched Ren in the gut by kissing another guy. But I didn’t, okay? I didn’t. I almost did. But I didn’t. For the life of me I couldn’t see why the mere thought of coming clean made my heart speed up about a million beats a second, even though I was mostly innocent.

So anyways, Aliyah, Kobe, Michael and me sat on the cool beach, the chill wind softly blowing from the east. The waves curled in the ocean as the Sunday night moon struggled into the sky. The water glimmered with its natural light, and I smiled.

“Hey,” I said softly to get their attention, even though Michael knew it already, “I’m…moving back.”

Kobe’s mouth dropped open and Aliyah did the same. “Whaaa?” he squeaked, just staring. Michael stared at the sea, his lip shaking.

“She said she movin’, boy,” she smacked him, making me smirk.

“I’m sorry, guys, my dad just -” I started.

“S’alright. We had a feeling,” she smiled, shrugging. “It ain’t often navy kids stay for too long.”
Around here, it was safe to assume that whenever a kid was moving in or out, it was because of the navy. Most of the time, the assumption was right. In this case, it was.

“And you know…we gonna meet again.”

I knew those kids. I didn’t think they’d hate me when I told them, and I was right. We all grew up together with too much trust.

Kobe held onto my arm. “When are you leaving?”


Aliyah put her hand on my shoulder, sadness and hope drifting through my mind. “You comin’ back…right?”

I nodded slowly, then faster. “Yeah. Yeah, totally. I’m gonna get a job and save up so I can fly back here one summer. And if my band ever hits it big I’ll buy a beach house here, definitely.”

Kobe beamed. “So this isn’t the end?”

Michael took it upon himself to shake his head, even though the question was addressed to me.

I sighed. “Kid, don’t say end. ‘Cause it’s not. I’m gonna see you again, and even if it won’t be for a while, it’s gonna happen. Kobe, Aliyah…I’m gonna miss you guys.”

Michael smiled at me, the saddest smile I’d ever seen. Then he hugged me from the side, probably to console himself rather than me.

The seafoam whooshed and tickled our toes.

I took in a big breath of salty sea air and relaxed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo hoo, short chapter! xD