Secrets, Scars and Shotguns.

Daddy's home.

Just when all faith had been lost in John, he decides to seek and find his boys.

When Sam had answered the door to find him standing, smiling half heartily, he didn't know how to feel, he didn't know how Dean would feel.

There were so many emotions that Sam could have been feeling, so many emotions that he should have been feeling, but it was anger that boiled in his blood.

"Sam." John whispered, his smile deepening and cutting through Sam like knives.


"I got you, sorry it's been so long."

"The messages were sent months ago, I had a friend call you after that and still no reply, not even when your son tried to kill himself. Now you turn up!" Sam cried.

"Son, please. Let's go inside and sort this out."

Sam let his father in by him before gently closing the door.

"Where's Dean?" John asked.

"Out. Getting Coffee."

"You let him out? After he tried to kill himself? Are you mad? You should be keeping an eye on him!"

"Excuse me!Don't you ever tell me how to look after my brother! You haven't even been here, Dad! He tried to kill himself months ago and I trust him."

John sighed. But what if Sam was right? What if all Dean needed was a little trust?

"Is he still...hurting himself?" The words sounded painful in Johns throat.


"And you don't stop him?"

"No. I don't. There would be no point besides; as long as he takes his pills I don't care."

"Good. He still is taking his pills."

"He didn't when you left! Then he tried to kill himself." Sam raised his hands in the air," Well done Dad!"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that?


Dean stood in the doorway, holding two Starbucks coffees. Heavy bandages coated his forearms and sprinkles of blood dotted his shirt.

"Dean. Your stitches have opened; do you want me to fix them?" Sam asked rushing towards his brother, who closed the door gently.

"No, it's fine. Dad what are you doing here?"

Dean set the coffee on the table in the small kitchen area and moved closer to his younger brother.

"You look good Dean. Sam sent me a few messages and I tracked you guys down. Here I am." John smiled.

"Okay." Dean's reply was dry, just like when he was a child," but why now?"

"The Demon, Its-"

"The demon. You only came back because of him and the fact that Dean tried to kill himself means nothing."

John remained silent.

"Why didn't you come back sooner?" Dean asked," when...when I was sick. Sam called and called and you knew so why didn't you come back? Do I mean that little?!!"

"No Dean, I just...couldn't."

"You worried us, you worried me. I put everything on hold for you, Sam's girlfriend is dead because of me. I screwed everything up just so I could find you." Dean was screaming now, his hands balled into fists by his side.

"Dean come on,calm down." Sam whispered.

"I've done everything for you! I got better because I was scared of how I had hurt you. When it's pretty clear I mean nothing."

"So you tried to kill your self for my attention?"

"I didn't try to kill my self."

The atmosphere in the room was thick and unwelcoming. Dean's breathing was heavy with anger, he kept his fathers gaze.

"Dean, sit down." Sam placed a hand on Dean's shoulders and man powered him back to sit on one of the beds.

Dean's hand's rest in his lap, loose and empty.

"Can we sort this out in an adult manor?"

"Fine!" Dean's tone was neutral.

John took a seat opposite his two sons. Dean was very angry; he could tell by the way he was fidgeting. It had been a long time since the three of them had been in a room all together, almost like a family.

"Son. I'm sorry I left you, I...I wasn't thinking." John sighed.

"That's not the point. We needed you, Dean needed you, and He tried to kill himself for Christ's sake."

"Stop fucking saying that!" Dean shrieked," I fucking didn't."

Sam and John exchanged looks. The both knew what each other were thinking. The fight was just about over, because this was about as much as they were going to be able to say with out upsetting Dean further. Besides, what was the point really? No matter how angry Sam and Dean were with their father, arguing endlessly and aimlessly would get them no where.

"Dad you're here now and there's nothing we can do to change what you did. There's no point in fighting, let's just leave it." Sam said," So, why are you here?"