Secrets, Scars and Shotguns.

Famous last words.

John had gone, left Dean all alone, when he knew damn well that Dean needed him. He had said he was going for a hunt, he had lied. Even when Dean had called his cell he hadn't answered, even tracking him down was impossible. He was alone. Truly alone. Sam had left him to go to University some time ago and he had felt so empty for a while after that, but he always assumed he had his father. Well obliviously assuming, on his part, was bullshit.

So, in a last desperate attempt to try and find his father, he went to that last place he knew his brother to be.

He pulled up outside a block of student apartments, 3rd that night. Stepping up to the door way he checked down the list of names.

"Evans, Haley, Price, Martha," Definitely not Sam, unless he had changed his sex and name," Harper, Dustin, Winchester, Sam!"


He read across to the number. 37. Top floor.

The door to get in was one of them annoying buzzer ones, where you had to get a person inside to buzz you into the building. Ether that or you had a card. Lucky for Dean he had a paper clip. Of course he could just buzz Sam, say hi and ask to come up for a cup of tea and a cookie, but some how Dean figured that wouldn't work. Plus in that there was no risk. Dean liked risk.

He studied the Card checker as much and as well as he could in the darkness. It seemed simple enough. But then when you had a paper clip, anything was simple. According to Dean anyway. Avoiding the card checker he went straight for the emergency lock.

The lock was picked in a short space of time, but longer than Dean would have liked.
He took the stairs to the top floor, every building was linked and each had 40 apartments. That's a bitch load of stairs. By the time Dean reached Sam's apartment it was two thirty in the morning and with no sound or movement coming from with in the room, Dean assumed he had gone to bed. So yet again he picked the lock and quietly slipped inside.
Sam's apartment was small, but then it was only for him so it did. The furniture was all well chosen, the whole place was overly tidy and there were two pairs of shoes at the door.
Two? One pair of black sneakers and one pair of pink what looked like Chuck Taylor Converses? Then there was the red and white dress lying over the back of a chair. Ether there was something Sam was not telling him or he had a girl. Dean smiled. Sam had a girl. He hoped. Get in there Sam.

He wandered around, picking things up and examining them. Until something heavy jumped him, knocking him to the floor.

"Dean?!!" asked a husky voice." What are you doing here!?"

"Nice to see you too Sammy!"

Sam jumped up, took his brothers hand and pulled him to his feet also. It was the least he could do. He did, after all, just jump him. Dean brushed himself down.

"You greet all your guest like that? You must be a killer at house parties."

"Dean. It's the middle of the freaking night. What are you doing here?"

Dean shrugged.

"Here to see you."

A light flicked on, and a tall, blonde haired woman stood in the door way of what could only be the bedroom. In only her underwear and a Smurfs t-shirt. Dean grinned.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Jessica. This is my brother Dean, Dean this is Jessica;My girlfriend."

"Hey. Nice to meet you. I love the smurfs by the way."

Jessica smiled awkwardly. Sam linked an arm around her shoulders.

"What do you want Dean?" Sam asked, sternly.

"Well, I kinda need to talk to you..."

"What ever you have to say, you can say it in front of Jess."

Dean sighed. Shit.

" He's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days."

"And? Dean he'll be home soon. He's always going hunting and he always comes home..."

"Yeah but he's never been gone this long. Please. I just need you to help me find him. It won't take long."

Sam sighed. Great!

Sam gathered up a bag and stuffed clothes into it, not bothering to fold or organize them.
"So your brother turns up in the middle of the night and your just going to agree to go with him to find your dad?" Jessica asked leaning against the door-frame.

"Well yeah. He's my brother and my Dad their family. Besides Dean is most likely off his Medication because he's so worried. I had better keep an eye on him."


"Yeah he's been on Anti- Depressants since he was 14."

"Oh poor Dean. Well im sure you being a super little brother will look after him."

Sam smiled as Jessica kissed him.


"Sam. I love you."

"I love you too baby."