Never Leave me


Gerard POV
“Gee, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah ok...” I replied.
“I am but it’s not my fault.”
“I’m not mad.”
“But you’re sad.”
“Well it is after all my best friend leaving me.”
“Just go.” I said and walked off to my room. He stood there looking at me. I lay on my bed that night not sleeping just thinking about him, how much he ment to me how much he helped me, and what was going to happen. Mikey came into my room and sat next to me on the bed. He said something but I drifted off...

“I’m sorry Gerard!” Frank screamed as he saw me. I looked at him but walked away. “Gee please speak to me!” He sobbed. I didn’t turn I didn’t do anything but walk into the fog. He grabbed my hand. I looked at him.
“Frank, I don’t want this to end this way but if you leave it will have to... I may never see you again... and Frank...I...L

‘Beep Beep’ It woke me from my sad dream, I was thankful because I never wake up from dreams no matter how bad or good they are. I walked down stairs and saw Mikey, Bob, Ray and Frank...
“See ya Frank boy.” Ray said patting his back.
“Bye Frank.” Bob said rubbing his hair making Frank pout.
“Goodbye...”Mikey hugged him. They all looked at me and Frank walked over.
“Give me a ride to the airport Gee?” I sighed and nodded. We walked to the car. The drive was silent.
“Mm?” I said.
“I’m sorry... but I can’t live here now...” I pulled up to the airport, got out and helped Frank with his suite case. He hugged me goodbye and I sat in the car he waved I didn’t. He walked off I drove off. I walked into the house Bob, Mikey and Ray were watching TV.
“Party Gerard my house come on.” Bob said jumping up with the others.
“Me and Gerard will be along in a little while.” Bob nodded and walked out the house.
“I’m not going...”
“Yes you are. Now brush your hair and put some of your eye liner on you look weird...”
“Well thank you brother.”
“I’m always here.” I walked off to my room brushed my hair and applied eyeliner. I walked back down to see Mikey waiting outside. I turned the light off and walked out. We walked to Bobs since we would be there the next morning and probably won’t be able to even drive home in the morning. We arrived to see people screaming, jumping making out, dancing, and drinking and more making out. Me and Mikey walked in and saw Bob he gave us a vodka bottle each. They knew I would need a drink to get over sort of Frank. I sat on the curb and drank. I finished the bottle and got handed another one. I looked up to see a blond long haired, blue eyed boy. He had eyeliner on.
“Thanks.” I mumble.
“I’m Damien.”
“I’m Gerard.”
“How are you?”
“Bad you?”
“I’m ok... What’s up?”
“Don’t want to talk about it.”
“Ok.” I stood up walked inside and found Mikey making out with some girl. I looked for ray but he was too busy chatting up a girl, and Bob well a girl took him upstairs. I sighed and grabbed a 3rd bottle of vodka. The boy that spoke to me earlier was behind me. I walked back and banged into him.
“Sorry.” I said.
“Hey Gerard.”
“Damien right?”
“Yea.” He smiled. “How many have you had?”
“Um this is my 4th.”
“This is my 2nd.” I sat on the sofa next to a making out Mikey and Damien my new friend sat next to me. We spoke about many things and drank many bottles of vodka. My vision was a bit blurry. He lent in and I copied him until our lips met. We hugged and he begged for entrance. I allowed and he won the battle. We stayed like this for about ten minutes. We pulled away smiling. We walk into Bobs back garden to hug under the moon. We sat on the bench cuddling. Looking at each other. We were drunk and yet I felt like I knew him for ages.

The next morning I woke up in Damien’s arms. He kissed me.
“Hey sexy.” He announced.
“Hey honey.” I replied. We stood up hand in hand.
“Aw! Gerard found a boyfriend!” Mikey screamed.
“And you had a looooooong make out last night.” He rolled his eyes. Damien hugged me.