Never Leave me


Frank POV

So Gee went out with his art club I think... But Mikey, Bob and Ray decided we needed to go somewhere without him cause he’d just keep with me the whole time and they admitted they missed me. I felt loved well more loved. I sat in the back of the car not knowing where we were heading missing Gee. I watched out the window and I swear I saw Gerard driving home. Might have but I wasn’t sure, if it was him he wasn’t happy...

The car stopped and I saw we were at a pub. I hate pubs... The guys got out and I sat in the car not moving. Ray opened the door and tried to pull me out but I wouldn’t budge. They went to walk away I relaxed and Ray tried to get me out again. He did it this time they pushed me in and over to the bar. They all ordered a beer and they even ordered me one, I didn’t want one I wanted Gerard. I wouldn’t drink it they tried to make me but I wouldn’t so Bob drank it. As they all had a lot to drink I had to drive home... They three sang in the back of the car I wouldn’t let anyone sit in the front. I pulled into the drive way and saw Gerard’s car. I jumped out the car and ran over to the door letting they guys get out on their own. I walked in and saw Gee lying on the sofa asleep.
“Crap!” Mikey yelled from behind me, making me jump and Gee jolt awake. “We forgot pizza...” He then fell over. Gerard looked at me paying no attention to his baby brother. He smiled then he closed his eyes and relaxed again.
“Shut up!” I hissed as the other two came in to the room. I pushed them up the stairs and they all piled at the bottom. Bob was first to get up and fall up stairs, then it was Ray, Mikey lay on the floor I kicked him gently, and he glared at me and crawled up stairs to his room. I walked to Gee who was once again asleep. He can get to sleep very easy...

I watched him as he sleep on the sofa. It was about midnight and he opened his eyes. He smiled at me.
“Why aren’t you in bed Frankie it’s...? Uh midnight.”
“I wanted a goodnight kiss.” I replied. He smiled sat up and kissed me. “Why you asleep on the sofa anyway?”
“No reason.”
“Let’s take you to your room then.” He sprung up and ran off yelling ‘No!’ I followed he shut the door in my face I heard banging and a lot of swearing, then a huge bang. Then Gee opened his door. I stepped in his room, there was nothing but his bed, wardrobe and chest of draws, no art esales nothing...
“I put them away...”
“What's with all the questions?”
“I wanted to know...”
“Go to bed” He smiled. “Night. He pushed me out and shut the door then there was another bang and a scream. I burst in and saw no Gee. Then I looked over to his wardrobe and there was a huge pile of stuff moving... It was alive... I saw Gerard’s head pop out from under the pile of stuff. I walked over to him and pulled the stuff off him. I giggled at him. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me.
“Now out...” He said. I left and went to my room.

Gerard POV

“Crap!” I jolted away “We forgot pizza” Mikey said it he was drunk, I didn’t pay attention to him I watched Frank. I smiled then let my eyes slide shut... I woke up again and saw Frank watching me. He wanted a goodnight kiss so I kissed him. I didn’t want him to go in my room. I sprung up and ran to my room he followed and I shut the door in his face. Mental reminder say sorry. I moved all my art stuff to the wardrobe. There was something I didn’t want him to see. He’d kill me or break up with me. And trust me Killing me would be the best. I opened the door and he stepped in I kissed him.
“I put them away...”
“What's with all the questions?”
“I wanted to know...”
“Go to bed” I smiled. “Night” I pushed him out of the room ran to my wardrobe opened it and then it came for me like it wanted to kill me! It all fell on me and I was being squashed by art! I screamed as it fell. All was black till I poked my head out of the pile and saw frank. He helped me up, He giggled and Kissed him.
“Now out...” I said pushing him out before he saw the thing I didn’t want him to see. I picked it off the floor and smiled at it. NO! Sleep nothing else! I lay on the bed not changing because id knows what I’d was only a drawing but still... I put the drawing under my pillow and soon fell asleep into a colourful dream. Literally, black, red, pink, green the colours moved and I saw him just standing there looking at me smirking!

The next morning I thought I’d have one of those dreams but nope there was loads of drool on my pillow instead. I turned the pillow over. I wanted more sleep. I tried but my door opened.
“Its 12pm Lazy Get your Cute ass up now!” Frankie... I didn’t move nor speak. He sighed the next thing I knew was he had taken the covers off me. I still didn’t budge so he took the pillow from under my head. I hid the picture under my hair.
“Morning Gee” He smiled.
“Well Afternoon.”I groaned and tried to sleep. Part of the paper was visible.
“What’s this?” He asked trying to grab the paper. I grabbed it. Hissing. He backed away. I jumped up hugging the paper. I walked over to him and kissed him. He tried to grab the paper I held it above my head, He was smaller than me but I thought he could grab it but he couldn’t. I smiled as he pouted and left the room. I put the picture in my pocket and followed him. He sat at the table with Ray’s special soup witch I refused to touch. Hey Ray made it Ray’s evil... well to me. I went to make myself some food but Mikey stopped me.
“Just have some soup!” He yelled. I glared at him and went back to my room, leaving eating. I sat at my desk. Doing nothing. I got the drawing out and put it on the desk in front of me I smiled... The door swung opened and I was to busy to hide the picture I was drooling again... I suddenly snapped out of my daydream and hid the picture. I looked over my shoulder and thought I was seeing things I saw him there standing there slowly taking his shirt off.
“Frankie?” I asked. He walked over to me and threw his shirt on my head. He licked my ear and face. I was sitting there watching him. He giggled the giggle... I knew it was him. He undid his belt then Mikey ran in, idiot.
“Mikey!” Frank yelled. Mikey walked out and Frank kissed me then walked off. I was left there semi-hard and drooling yet again!
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Okay i got my results and i got D. I'm 13 and i was ment to take the GCSE test when im 15 Is D good? for a start atlest. Im gonna retake i think i can get higher. But is D good fro an early GCSE?