Never Leave me


Gerard POV

I woke up with my arms round Damien’s... Wait what happened last night? All I remember was well begging for him to take me back and that’s all... I looked round and saw his arms tied to the bed with my belt. Oh my god... His eyes flew opened and as soon as he saw me a grin grew on his face.
“Hey babe. Last night was great.” He looked at his hands. “Now do you mind un-tying my hands? I nodded sat up and untied his hands.
“My head hurts...” I mumbled.
“Here.” He handed me two pain killers and a glass of water. I took the pills with a mouthful of water.
“Thanks.” I soon realised I was naked. Damien sat up resting on is elbows. His hand ran down my chest but then he sighed and looked at me seriously.
“Do you really want me or was that the alcohol talking?”
“A drunk mans word are a soba mans thoughts.” He looked confused. “Yes.” I laughed. He smiled and kissed my cheek. He stood up and grabbed my clothes and socks and handed me them before getting himself dressed. I got dress and put my belt and trainers on. He got his boots on.
“I’ll give you a ride home.”
“So soon?”
“They probably expected you home last night did they not?” I nodded. He kissed me. He walked to the front door and out towards his car but I grabbed his wrist. He turned.
“What's wrong?”
“I’m sorry...”
“Wanting Frank...”
“It’s fine you have me now... Plus I have you.” I smiled and we continued to his car. It was raining and I was only in a shirt but Damien kept me close. We sat In his car and he began to drive. He pulled up outside the house and I looked at the front door.
“Don’t tell them yet.” He said not looking at me.
“Okay...” I kissed him and got out the car and to the door. I waved him off and opened the door and went in. There was a bang that came from my room. I went straight there and I saw Mikey in there.
“Gerard...” He gasped when he saw me.
“What are you doing in my room?”
“Out.” He walked past me and I closed the door. My room was a mess so I began to clean it when a knock came to my door.
“What?” I asked
“Gerard are you alright?”
“Perfectly fine.”
“Why have you not left your room for like a few days apart from last night?”
It’ss my room do I need a reason?”
“Well I can’t be bothered to tell you.”
“Was it Frank?”
“Leave me alone.” I continued cleaning my room.

Damien’s mine and Frank is not and I am happy about that... I guess. I mean yea I love Frank still but he doesn’t love me, I like Damien too. So I guess its okay. Te reason I won’t tell Mikey is because I don’t want sympathy from him... I know what he’s like...
♠ ♠ ♠
Been looking after my mum for a while so if i dont update much its cause of her oparation.
