Never Leave me


Frank POV

“Sh... I’m okay the phone may get taken from me because I can’t hand up and hide it that easy...” he Said
“Chained to the wall...”
“Oh... Wait what?”
“Yup only in my boxers...”
“Gee now’s not the time to say that even if it’s true!” I squealed. Gee couldn’t help but giggle. “Gee... Are you hurt?”
“Not too badly Frankie... Shit I’ll call you back.” Then he hung up. Damien will die, even if I have to kill him with my own hands! Mikey was looking at me. Turns out I had an evil grin on my face. I slowly stood up and walked into the kitchen; I grabbed a meat cleaver and headed for the door. Mikey must have seen a bit of the silver cause he got up and ran for me along with Jon. I touched the door but Mikey stopped me.
“Frank what the fuck are you doing?!”
“MOVE!” I hissed.
“Do you really think your help Gerard this way?”
“Yes! Damien needs to die!”
“You’re wrong! Gerard wouldn’t want you to do this cause then you could be taken. He wouldn’t want that!” Suddenly I burst out in tears and fell to my knees dropping the meat cleaver. Mikey hugged me and then there was another pair if arms around us both. Jon. My head sprang up the second my phone ran. I jumped up making Jin and Mikey fall over onto each other. I ran to my phone. Grr not Gee.
“WHAT?!” I sobbed.
“Frank?” Ray?
“Call Mikey not me I’m waiting for gee to call back!” I hung up. I remember the hole in Gerard’s wall he hid stuff there and it was covered by posters. I ran to his room and into Mikey and Jon. I looked under the few pictures he had on his walls. Nothing... I remember it being behind a forest picture. I walked to where I thought it hung. I tapped the wall and it was hollow. I punched it and the plastic broke, trust Gerard to use plastic and paint over it. I looked in the hole and found what I was looking for a gun. One way or another I’m going to kill Damien.
“Frank! What have you done?” Mikey asked looking at me and the hole in the wall. I tried to act innocent but the pain and idea f revenge was running through my veins.
“Stop acting.” I sighed. Maybe Mikey is right maybe it won’t help Gerard. I dropped the gun in front of Mikey and his eyes grew wide.
“In Gerard’s room he hid a gun?! What else is in that hole?” Mikey asked coming closer. I pulled a bottle of vodka out. Mikey looked in the hole. And saw all that was in there.

I held my phone close just in case. I haven’t heard from Gee since this morning! Mikey and Jon were watching me while I sat facing away from them. I stood up. They stood up. I walked towards the door they followed. I turned and they walked up and made sure I didn’t have anything in my person. Jon tried to take the phone away but I bit him.
“It wouldn’t help him.” I said and walked out the house into the cold dark night. Oh I wish I hadn’t. The second I stepped out the gate he was there waiting for me. He grabbed me with help from two other people. I dropped my phone and yelled for help but Mikey and Jon didn’t hear obviously. I kicked and struggled but they forced me into a car. HE sat next to me as did one of his helpers while the other drove.
“So Frankie. You told him?!”
“Mikey did!” I hissed.
“How’d Mikey find out?!”
“Me.” He slapped me. The other guy did to cutting my face a bit because he had rings on. We pulled up to this familiar house. They dragged me out and only then did I see the car... Gerard’s... They took me into the house and down stairs to a doo. HE opened it and there I saw Gerard chained the wall bleeding. I went to run forward but the other two guys kept me back.
“Gee Baby.”
“Don’t fucking call me that only Frank can!” Gerard hissed.
“Fine! Don’t have your toy!” What? Did HE just call me a toy. Gerard looked up and saw me. He slowly stood a bit. And walk toward us but the chain wouldn’t let him. I ran toward Damien but he pushed me in the room and to Gerard, I ran to Gerard and hugged him even if he couldn’t hug me but I still loved it. I kissed him softly. Then turned to look at Damien. Smirking what’s his plan?!

Gerard POV

Damien had two men sit with me in my room for hours and only left when the sun had gone down.

“Gee Baby.”
“Don’t fucking call me that only Frank can!” I hissed.
“Fine! Don’t have your toy!” What is he talking about?! I looked up. No. He not there please don’t be. It was Frank. I stood a bit hurting my arms. I walked towards them but stopped because of these good dam chains! Frank ran at Damien but Damien pushed him in the room so he came and hugged me. He kissed me. I would of hugged him back but the chains! Damien shut the door and was smirking. He grabbed some rope. so I get the unbreakable chains and Frank gets rope. Damien stood Frank up and stripped him down so he had nothing on. Then tied his hands together. Making him kneeled. No... Damien watched me and undid his trousers and pulled them and his boxers down then he grabbed Frank’s hair and made him give himself a blowjob!
“Stop!” I cried! “Damien!” Damien looked at me. He stopped pushing franks head. He stood frank up and threw him onto the bed. Even worse! I watched as Damien slammed into Frank making Frank scream in pain I saw tears roll down his face.
“Damien! Why are you doing it to him?! Why him he hasn’t hurt you?” I cried. Damien looked at me. “Stop it Damien... Please.” He looked me in the eyes and stopped. He pulled his trousers up. And walked over to me. He bend down and kissed me hard. He dragged Frank next to me and put Frank’s boxers on. He stopped... I didn’t expect that...