Never Leave me

Thirty Four

Frank POV

Four of Damien’s five not including him stayed with us. Damien and another dragged Gerard to his room. There was a gunshot then another.
“NO!” I screamed. Damien and the other one walked out the house with the others following them. I ran to Gerard’s room there he was... on the floor dying... I sobbed as I knelt next to him; I placed my hand on his arm. There was blood coming from his shoulder and chest. I kissed him softly.
“Gee stay with me.” I said. He manages a small smiled and his eyes opened a tiny bit. Sirens grew louder and louder as I spoke sweetly to Gerard to keep him clam. Well more like to keep me calm. His eyes started to close as I was pulled away from him by Mikey Ray and Jon. It was to let the paramedics get to him. I didn’t want to leave his side. They got him into the ambulance. I climbed in to. I knew Mikey wanted to but he said I could. But the paramedic said two could come so Mikey, Gerard’s brother and I, Gerard’s friend went to the hospital with him. We sat in the waiting room for hours which felt like years. Mikey was pacing I was looking at nothing when a doctor came.
“Gerard had to be rushed into theatre...” Mikey gasped as did I. “But he is stable. He should be okay. Right now he is still asleep, but he should come round soon.” We nodded.
“Can we go sit in his room?” I asked. Wanting to see him. The doctor nodded.
“We put a Shoulder sling on him.” We followed the doctor to his room. There he lay asleep with his arm in a sling; I sat on the side with his good arm so I could hold his hand.
“How long till he wakes?” Mikey asked.
“Should be soon.” He squeezed my hand a bit and I smiled as his eyes slowly opened. “Sooner than I thought.” The doctor left. Gerard was looking at us.
“Hey Gee.”
“Hey Frankie.” He said weakly.
“Hey Gerard.”
“Hey Mikes.”

Time went on and Gerard became more awake. The doctor came back but this time he had a needle. Gerard’s eyes grew wide when he saw it.
“You bring that near me I’ll kill you!”

“Calm down Gee. Let him take some of your blood... So he can drink it.” Geared calms and smiled at my weirdness. Then doctor took some blood with me holding onto Gerard’s arm. Mikey left soon after but I stayed all night. I fell asleep still holding his hand and with my head on the bed. I woke up and kissed Gee. Then he woke up, smiling.
“Blood tests alright. You can go home in another day or two.” We nodded.
“I hate hospitals” Gerard mumbled. I couldn’t help but giggled “Give us a kiss,” I smiled and kissed him.
“Disgusting.” A nurse said.
“Look at what’s talking.” Gerard replied smiling. So home in a day or two good good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shoulder sling.