Never Leave me

Thirty Six

Frank POV

Gerard shot up to sit up. It woke me up but I pretended it didn’t. I opened my eye a bit. He looked scared.
“Gee?” He jumped. “What is wrong?”
“N-nothing.” He replied. He looked like a ghost looking at nothing like he was frozen. I touched his hand and it was cold.
“Gee are you sure you okay you freezing.” He nodded. I nodded back. “Come back and lie down. Ill warm you up by hugging you.” He lay down and cuddled up to me. He was freezing and make me cold but oh well I love him and this feels right. Being with him.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up Gee was gone and I don’t know where he went... I got up and dress. I walked into the front room and saw Mikey.
“Mikey where is Gee?”
“Not sure... His room maybe.”
“I just came from there.”
“Oh... Well I don’t know ask Ray.” I walked into Ray’s room.
“Ray have you seen Gee?”
“Nope. Ask Mikey.”
“Just have.” I walked round the house looking for Gerard... Nope. Where is he?! I called the person who I think might know where he is...
“Damien where the hell is Gerard?!”
“You lost him?!”
“You took him”
“No. I didn’t.” Damien hung up.
“Gerard’s a big boy he can look after himself. Let’s go to the pub.” I nodded we walked to the pub. There Gerard was. Lying on the floor at the edge of the ally way next to the pub. I ran over to him. I shock him gently. He didn’t move. The others ran over to us.
“Gerard?” I begged hoping he was okay. His arm was still in the sling. I kissed him. His eyes slowly opened.
“Why are you here? How long have you been here?”
“I don’t know.” He had been gone all day and I guess he’s been around here... But why? I helped him up and we walked home. When we got in Gerard went to the kitchen and got some painkillers and coffee. What is up with him?

I decide to go check on Gerard. I knocked on his bedroom door, there was no answer. I opened the door a bit, I couldn’t see him but I could hear water running... His room was different. His curtains were closed his light was off and his desk light was on. I walked over to the desk and there were lots of papers scattered round the desk. I picked one up and the water stopped running. I ran out the room as quick as I could. I showed Mikey the drawing and he was just as shocked as me. It was Damien cut into bits and pieces and Gerard was holding his head. There was blood all over the picture... Damien’s blood. Gerard walked in and we hid the picture. He walked over to me kissed me then licked my face.
“What’s up Gee?”
“Nothing... I love your taste.” He whispered. He kissed me again. His arm was still in a sling. He Grabbed my shirt and dragged me to the basement. All was black and he put a blind fold on me. I felt him undress me and chain me to a wall... Then he kissed me. After that I didn’t feel him near me...
“Gee I don’t like it...” There was no answer... “Gee please I don’t like this game... Gerard.”
I felt air pass me.
“Gee...” I sobbed. “Please... What are you doing?”
“Please I don’t like it...” I begged... He seemed to change back into his normal self...
“I’m sorry Frankie. I don’t know what came over me.” He said letting me go. He kissed me.
“I am sorry... Forgive me Frankie. I felt so different. Like I needed to do that so you would let me kiss you...”
“Gee. Don’t. You’re turning in to Damien... I don’t what that.”
“I am nothing like him!” He hissed scaring me... I ran out the basement. “Frankie!” I ran after him.
“I’m sorry!” I called after him. “Forgive me?”
“Of course just don’t turn into Damien.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I lost part of it ( I write it in word the update it.) I didn't realise i had this chapter done already and i added a bit on the end. I also have another early GCSE on Thursday. So wish me Luck... Thanks for comments.