Never Leave me

Thirty Nine

Frank POV
Gerard went out a while ago... He is different not himself. It had begun to rain and still he wasn’t back. He came back at 12am. Said ‘Hi’ then walked to his room leaving wet footprints behind. Where did he go and why? I walked to his room and knocked on the door. It sounded like he fell over. The door slowly opened. Gerard stood there and looked like he was about to fall over. As he fell I grabbed him, but him being taller we both fell with an almighty thud. He smiled at me and kissed me... His lips tasted of vodka and cigarettes.
“Gee have you been drinking?”
“Just a bit doll face. You want some?” He asked almost shoving it in my face.
“No thanks...” He got up off me and helped me off.
“What's up lovely?”
“I don’t like it when you drink...”
“Oh...” Was all he replied, and then he walked into his room. He stood out the way to invite me in. I stepped in. As soon as I did the smell of vodka hit me hard. There were bottles scattered round the room... My eyes began to burn and tears fell. He wiped the tears away but more fell. He kissed me and I pushed him off me.
“I will not kiss you when you have been drinking!” I looked to the side. On the floor there was blood. I looked at Gerard who had wiped his head with his hand and there was a mark of blood. I touched my face, and then looked at my hand... Just as I thought. Blood on me.
“What happened to your hand Gee?”
“I fell and cut my hand on glass.” I ran out the room and into Mikey. He saw the blood and was worried.
“What is wrong why is there blood on your head?” He asked concerned.
“Gerard... He had been drinking and he fell on glass and cut his hand. I said I wouldn’t kiss him when he was drinking.” He hugged me. As more tears fell. Gerard walked past all of us and outside.
“Gerard where are you going now?!” Mikey yelled while still hugging me so it was in my ear and he made me jump.
“Out.” I followed him.
“Gee?” He stopped and looked at me. “Don’t go...” I begged him but he just left. He ran off. I want to know why he does this. I lay in my bed half asleep and my bedroom door opened. The person sat on my bed. I think it was Gerard... Maybe not. But I pulled him closer and kissed him, and then he pulled away quickly.
“Oh... Sorry.”
“It’s okay... Just let me do this.” He leaned in and kissed me gently. His tongue tickled my lip and I allowed what was I thinking at the time? ‘Gerard doesn’t want me...’
He won the battle for dominance. Mikey slowly pulled away and looked me in the eye.

Mikey didn’t want to leave me so he slept in my room next to me. Before I fell properly asleep I felt his lips on mine. I woke up and Mikey was still asleep next to me. All of a sudden Jon burst in.
“Gerard... Where is he?!”
“What?” I said sitting up quickly.
“Did he not come home?” Mikey asked waking up.
“I don’t know... Quickly come see the news.” I ran past them all and saw on the T.V. blood, Damien’s body all cut up and with some stuff missing. I ran to Gerard’s room and knocked desperately on the door. I attempted to open it but it was locked.
“Jon! Mikey Help me knock this door down!” I screamed. We all ran at the door the same time and it opened. I walked to the bathroom because Gerard wasn’t to be seen. The light was on the door wasn’t locked. I opened the door and saw what I didn’t want to... A bloody Gerard and a knife in the sink soaking in water. He was in the shower washing the blood off. All on the wall there was blood. His arm was out the sling days ago and now he has killed someone. Who is this person and what have they don’t with Gerard?! He looked and saw me. He stepped out the shower and closed the door on me.
I ran off and Mikey followed Jon stayed in Gerard’s room...
“I don’t know who he is anymore! I just want my Gerard back!” I cried as Mikey hugged me.

Gerard POV
Yea I had been drinking but he didn’t need to say he wouldn’t kiss me! He ran off crying. I walked to find him. I saw Mikey hugging Frank who was kneeling on the floor crying. I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and hid it in my trousers. I walked past Mikey and Frank. Frank followed me.
“Don’t go...” He begged but I ran off. I need to do this. I got to the park where Damien and I came and now Damien came here every night at 12am. Its 11:57pm and I’m awaiting him. While I sit on the swing with the knife in my hand.
“Gerard?” He asked as he saw the figure on the swing.
“Damien.” I smirked. I stood up so I was closer to him. I kissed him gently on the lips, which was just a distraction... I stabbed him in the stomach and he fell to the floor. He had his hand over the little cut. He was on the floor watching me come closer.
“Gerard what are you doing?!” I cut his face and his arm. I kept stabbing him in the stomach and I don’t know how but blood went everywhere all over me and so on. He hugged me close so I had a lot of blood on me. I got out of his grasp and cut him some more. I then walked away. Home... When I got there no one was around. It was about 8am so it was odd. I went to my room little drops of blood fell off. I locked my bedroom door and went to the bathroom, I shut the door. I filled the sink up with hot water and put the knife in it. How long till the body gets found?
What does it matter?
I got into the shower and washed the blood out of my hair and off my skin. I saw Frank and his face was full of horror. Maybe they found the body... I closed the bathroom door and I think he ran off. I locked it. I cleaned myself up a bit and got dressed in clean clothes and walked out of the bath room. Jon was sitting on my bed.
“What do you want?!” I hissed
Kill him!
That’s your answer to everything!
So what?
“I need to tell you they found the body at the park at 8:30am. Oh and Mikey and Frank kissed.”
“They kissed...”
Mikey you baby brother you thought you could trust and Frank your boyfriend you thought you loved... Betray you...
You heard it from Jon
But can it be true.
Yes it can. He hurt you now you go hurt both of them. I ran out the room and to Mikey and Frank. Tears rolled down my cheeks.
“Why?! Why dear brother and dear love betray me with the other I love?”
“What?” Mikey asked.
“You and him kissed!” I hissed. I grabbed Mikey’s hair and threw him across the room. I grabbed Frank’s shirt and held him against the wall. I put my hand round his neck.
“Why?” I asked him. “After all I have been through after all we have been through... Why?”
I was suddenly hit round the head by more than one thing. Before I fell to the ground I saw Ray, Jon and Mikey. All went black. When I came round I was in a white jacket and I couldn’t move. I was in a white room and there was nothing but a bed, and a toilet. Not that I could go in this thing! I tried to get my arms free then I realised I was in a straight jacket...

“Good Morning Gerard.” Someone said. I looked and saw a big mirror and a speaker.
“Where am I?!” I yelled.
“You are in The Mental Hospital.”
“I want to see Frank... I want to say sorry.” I spoke as I walked to the mirror. The mirror moved to the side and there he was my lovely little Frank.
“I’m sorry Frankie...” I spoke as tears fell. I saw tears start to fall down his cheeks. He walked closer to the window. I saw Mikey and Jon, I suddenly felt hate. I wacked my arms against the window, making Frank jump. Ray stood Next to Frank and watched me.
They did this to you! He doesn’t love you... I screamed and hit the plastic window again with my arms. Frank ran off to Mikey and hugged him hiding behind him. I felt broken. The Mirror went back and I couldn’t see him again, but I knew they could see me... I sat on the little bed. Looking at the mirror all I could see was me and my surroundings. I want to be out of here I don’t like it... I like Frank...
Well he doesn’t like you!
Yes he dose!
You keep thinking that.
Its true he dose... He loves me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Longer :)