Never Leave me

Forty One

Gerard POV
This place is hell! I want Frankie.
He don’t want you
Shut up! Someone came and fed me but the only person I wanted was Frank so I didn’t eat. The next person who came in had come to check on me. My back was turned and the person tapped on my shoulder. I turned and came face to face with Frank?
“Are you hungry?” I nodded. “Will you eat?” I nodded again. He got some bread and put it in my mouth and I ate it. Frank then left making me feel sad. He soon came back with a huge bin.
“The best thing I could find. Get in now” I got in and he shut the lid. I heard a door open. The lid opened and I could feel the wind. Frank stopped and helped me out then we ran to my car that he must have taken. He sped off as people approached the car.
He got me out of there...
Doesn’t mean he loves you.
“Gerard are you alright?”
“Yea... you?”
“Where are you taking me?”
“They will just send me back.”
“We will hide you in my room.” I nodded I was still worried. It was night and hopefully everyone would be asleep. Frank went in the front door while I waited in the back garden. He soon appeared and we tiptoed to his room. There was a knock at his door. He hid me in the en suite.
“Frank I’m sorry for telling you the truth...”
“I don’t want to hear it Mikey!” I hissed.
“All I did was tell you the truth that I wanted Gerard to go!”
Your brother wanted you to go
That hurt...
“Mikey just get out of here!” Frank yelled and he slammed the door. Frank walked into the bathroom and helped me out of the straight jacket. I pinned him against the wall as our lips collided. I moved my hands to his back and one to his arse. His hands tangled in my hair. He pulled away.
“They will hear us.” Frank said sadly I nodded in agreement. “Tomorrow ill go out and get us some stuff like a coffee maker, Mini fridge and a microwave and snacks.” Frank smiled. I nodded. I stepped back and he started to get undressed into his boxers and then he undressed me till I was in my boxers. He climbed into bed and I followed. He snuggled up close to me. I kissed his nose and he giggle. Frank fell asleep.
Don’t get caught. I don’t want to go back to that place
Nor do I!
Oh well.
“Gee... Please, just do it...” Frank whined in his sleep. “OHMYGOSHJUSTDOIT!” There was silence but suddenly the door burst open I fell off the bed and Frank woke up.
“What now Mikey?!” Frank hissed.
“I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“I am fine!” I hissed. He then left.
“So what was we doing in your dream?” I asked smirking.
“W-What?” He stuttered.
“You talk in your sleep.”
“Oh...” He looked embarrassed.
“No need to be embarrassed doll.” I smiled. I got back into bed with him. He waited till I fell asleep first...