Never Leave me

Forty Two

Gerard POV
Frank is still asleep. I smiled at him in his sleep. I got up and looked out the window.
“Gee what are you doing?” Frank asked tiredly.
“Get dress. I’ll go out get some stuff and you hide in the bathroom.” I nodded. “Gee did you hear what Mikey said?” I nodded. I got dressed and walked into the bathroom. Frank soon appeared.
“Gee.” He said walking up to me. He kissed me. “You don’t need him. I’m here for you.” He is trying to make me feel better guess its working.
“Go and be quick Frankie.” I replied. He nodded and left. I am not sure if anyone is awake yet.

About an hour or two passed and Frank was still not back. I was still in the bathroom. I heard the bedroom door open. Frankie I smiled to myself but he said he’d come in if it was him.
“Frank?” Mikey’s voice asked. I saw a shadow under the door; he then knocked on the door. “Frank are you in there?” I couldn’t reply he’d know it was me. “Frank are you alive?!” The door slowly opened and I hid behind it. I saw Mikey’s head. He looked round then stepped in the room. He closed the door a bit then his eyes widened as they met mine.
“Gerard!” He shouted. I couldn’t help it I had to stop him from getting out and telling them I’m here. I stood in front of the door and locked it.
“What are you doing here?”
“Have you come to kill him?”
“Nope. He knows I’m here. He got me out of there.”
“Sure. HELP!” Mikey screamed.
“Mikey shut up.” I hissed. I then suddenly burst out in tears. I fell to my knees right in front of my baby brother. “Just get out then! Call them tell them I’m here, hurt Frank, hurt me! Just get rid of me after all you don’t want me here.”
“What are you talking about?” He is playing dumb.
“I was hidden last night. I heard what you said to Frank.”
“You said all I did was tell you the truth that I wanted Gerard to go.” I hissed. “So go on hurt your brother a little more. Hurt your best friend more.”
“It wouldn’t hurt him if you went back there! You hurt him in the first place!”
“Because of all the shit I have been through! Then I find out my baby brother kisses my boy friend who is also his best friend!”
“Gerard! Mikey let me in!” Frank Yelled. “Ray help me!” Mikey unlocked the door after he pushed me away and made me hit my head. I was bleeding. I put my hand over the cut on my head. Frank ran over to me on the floor. He moved my hand away from my head and saw the cut. He took his shirt off and place it on the cut to stop the blood. He looked at Mikey and Ray.
“I am not letting him go back to that place.” I stood up.
“Mikey wants me gone. I love you Frank. I love this place. I still love Mikey but I cannot be somewhere I am not wanted.” I then grabbed my leys some clothes and money then ran to my car I threw everything in and I climbed in. I looked back at the house as I drove off. Frank was on the front door step crying his heart out. I have no idea where I am going but I know I am going to go far away...