Never Leave me

Forty Three

Frank POV
Gerard has just walked out the door. I am on my knees on the door step crying with Ray, Mikey and Jon watching me. Mikey put his hand on my back.
“Don't touch me!” I hissed. I stood. I ran to my room and jumped on my bed where Gerard slept. It smelt of him. I love him. I miss him. I need him. A note was stuck to the mirror along with a picture.
I love you I always will and have but I need to go away. I know you want me here but no one else does. Frankie I love you and I am safe. I will stay safe I promise. I looked at the picture and it was a random cottage in a little forest. I cried... I cried as hard as I could.
“I'm going out ill see you later!” Jon yelled. I ran down the stairs and started to follow him. Something is not right about him.

Jon walked down Allies and back roads when he finally stopped he was in a small unknown park. A girl with blond hair that hung over her face appeared.
“Job done?” She asked.
“Yes. He is gone and he is broken.”
“Good! Now my brothers final wish has been completed.”
“But I fear he may go back to Frank.” Me?!
“And if he does get rid of him again!” She hissed. “If he wont go kill him.”
“Yes. If he dies my brother’s wish is done as is my revenge wish. SO if he comes back he will die.” Jon nodded. She kissed him on the lips. “Good job. But you have to keep with him to make sure Gerard doesn’t come back.” Jon turned and started to walk back. I ran home.

“Mikey, Jon isn’t who you think he is!”
“I saw it with my own eyes. He is with Damien's sister. He did all this to make Gerard leave and make him broken. She said if Gerard ever came back to kill him.”
“Frank your just sad”
“I heard it with my own ears saw it with my own eyes!”
“I can see you are nothing like Gerard even when he was Sane! Even in his state you would be a disgraces to him!” I hissed. I walked off. “Oh and he isn’t fully gay and he will leave you soon.”

An hour later Ray ran in my room.
“They found Gerard's car with blood in it.”
“What?!” I yelled. I ran down the stairs to the T.V. sure another it was Gerard's car and there was blood.
“G- Ge- Gee!” I yelled.
“There is no sign of a body yet, but we are keeping and eye out.” The reported said. I called up the TV station.
“Hello you are showing on the news. I think I know who owns the car... And he was depressed as well...”
“We will send police round and bring you to the scene.”
“Okay.” I told him he address and within an hour cops appeared. I got in the car with Ray and Mikey. We drove to the place.
“Is it alright if I have a look in the glove compartment to see if it is the car?” The police nodded. II opened the glove compartment. I pulled out a few pictures. Me, Gee, Mikey and Ray.
“Yep. Its Gerard's car alright...” I sighed.
“Are you related to him?”
“No. I am his brother. He is his boyfriend.” Mikey replied. There was a blood trail. I followed it. I saw a dark thing on the ground. I ran over to it and it was him... Gerard...