Never Leave me

Forty Four

Frank POV
No… This cant be it has to be a dream please… I screamed for help. Looking over my shoulder I saw the girl Jon was with. Smiling. From the other direction I saw Mikey, Ray and two doctors and a cop running towards me.
“Let me go with him.”
“We can’t.”
“Please! He’d want me there!” The doctor looked at Mikey and Mikey nodded.
“Fine hurry up and sit down.” I climbed into the ambulance; Gerard lay in the stretcher not moving and unconscious. I sat opposite and held onto his hand.
“Please be okay…” I whispered.
“I am sure he will be.” The paramedic said. I nodded. She seemed kind. I sighed as I let go of his hand and relaxed in the chair. The girl just watched me.
“I know what this is like… Seeing your beloved in this condition… Kim my girl she was like this… I was treating her it was hard.” I nodded.

We arrived at the hospital and I had to wait in the waiting room, Ray soon ran in, Mikey followed slowly. Tears started to fall again. Ray hugged me. That was unlike him… But I guess cause me and Mikey are fighting that’s why. I pulled away from Ray and sat down away from them both, I don’t want Mikey near me. Ray would always stay with Mikey. They were talking and they kept looking over at me. I saw out the corner of my eye. Then the girl I was in the ambulance with came to see me.
“Hi, at the moment he is still unconscious but he should be alright and gain consciousness soon.” I nodded.
“No problem Frank.”
“When can I see him?”
“Come with me now. Is anyone else here with you?” I looked over at Ray and Mikey. “Only one person can go in at the moment. Doctors orders.”
“I will go.” I stood and followed Amy. I was stood outside his room looking threw the window. I walked in and sat next to him, Amy left.
“Gee… what happened was it Jon? I must know…” I whispered. Just as I expected Gerard didn’t reply, but Jon walked in.
“What do you want?” I spat.
“To talk.”
“Because I didn’t want this to happen…”
“I saw the girl you were with watching me find Gerard, just run off with her. Prove Mikey I am right!” He walked over to me and grabbed me by the throat. Mikey walked in but I didn’t let Jon know.
“Go on. I know you love him but you love her more don’t you. Damien’s sister, go run to her.”
“the girl I saw the other day was just a friend. Nothing more and she doesn’t have a brother.” He let go of me and I fell to the floor.
“Oh… Mikey.”
“I know he is pissing you off but you don’t need to do that! My brother, his boy friend is lying there almost dead and you almost kill Frank!” Mikey stormed out.
“Babe.” Jon said following. I sat back on the chair and watch Gee. His hand move a bit to mine that was next to him and it grabbed my hand so he was holding my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been a while, I had no idea of what to write and I was buried by work. Summer now for me so should be updated more.