Never Leave me

Forty Five

Frank POV
I woke up in the hospital looking at Gerard in the hospital bed; I was hoping I was dreaming…
“I’m not letting them take him back.” I heard Mikey say.
“Mikey babe he is crazy!”
“I don’t care. He is my brother and I can’t stand to see Frank how he has been lately.”
“I am awake you know.” I spoke; Mikey and Jon looked at me. “I want both of you out the room now. I want to be alone with Gerard.” The two left just in time before tears fell. They fell onto his hand that was on the edge of the bed. Even if Mikey did want him to go back I wouldn’t let him. I would get him free no matter what. Even if I have to give up everything, I would for Gerard. He would for me, I know it. His head move a bit to the side so it looked like he was tilting his head like a dog would do if it was confuse I smiled at it, even like this he was cute. More tears fell. A hand was place on my cheek and I out my hand on it. I looked to Gerard’s head and saw his beautiful hazel eyes watching me.
“Hey Frankie.” He smiled. I was shocked. I stood up.
“Stay awake.” He nodded a bit. I walked out the room and a doctor came back in with me and saw Gerard.
“Ah. How are you feeling Mr Way?”
“Please call me Gerard I don’t want to feel old.” That is something only my Gee would say. I smiled.
“Okay Gerard, how are you feeling now?”
“Alright. Except I am dying for a coffee.”
“Do you remember what happened?”
“I remember a lot of things.”
“How you got here?”
“Um.” It looked like he was searching threw his mind. “I was driving, a girl ran out in the middle of the road with a guy chasing her. I swerved to miss them hit a tree, and last thing I remember was going through the window screen.”
“That would explain the glass… But you ended up a few miles from the car.”
“Oh! And I felt like I was being dragged.”
“So you were put at the place we found you?”
“Must have been.”
“I see… I’ll check on you later Mr- Gerard.”
“Okay Bye bye.” Gerard said. He made me sit next to him and I pecked his lips gently. Mikey walking in with tears running down his cheeks.
“Ray made me feel bad… Saying it was my fault this happened to Gerard, and that was because I wouldn’t check on you two”
“Aw… Come here baby brother! And baby!” Gerard said and held his arms opened for us to hug him, of course we did. For just waking up Gerard seems very happy… and odd. At lest he hasn’t shown us his bad side again… And I hope he won’t again. If he does I’ll be sad but that won’t stop me loving him after all he is my big, Gee. I smiled at him. I still don’t like Mikey but I can just about put up with him. Gee kissed my forehead.

They kept him in overnight to keep an eye on him. In the car, he wanted to dive but Ray wouldn’t let him so he was pouting sitting next to me. I couldn’t help but smile. He seemed so childish now. I did love the other Gee (nice one), but this one is so much more cute! Where as the other one was hot! Well I get what I mean! I looked out the window when I looked back Gerard face was right near mine.
“Hello.” He smiled pecking my lips.
“Hi…” I giggled. We pulled up at the house, we all got out the car but Gerard didn’t. He looked almost afraid to face it. In the end I got him out by standing in the door way of the house in only my boxers. Then I had to run away from him. It was quite funny. He lay in his bed and didn’t want me to go so I lay with him and we fell asleep hugging.