Never Leave me


Gerard POV

I had just left Frank in his room, Thursday tomorrow, all day with him then Friday with HIM. I sighed at the thought. I lay on my bed being too lazy to change and fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up at 9am. For once I wasn’t tired and I was first up instead of last. I walked to the living room and sat down and flicked through the channels... Nothing. I heard a scream. I ran to where it had come from. Frankie... I walked in and saw him half awake breathing heavy. I got in the bed next to him on the covers and he opened his eyes fully and looked at me. He smiled I kissed his nose.
“You screamed...”
“Did you have a bad dream?”
“What was it about?”
“You... Know stuff.” He replied.
“Awww!” I pulled him into a hug. He blushed.” I know what it was!” His eyes grew wide. “Frankie had one of those ‘dreams!’”
“No! Anyway it’s normal for young men.” I smiled and stood up walking out the room. I walked into the kitchen. I started to make a coffee. I heard a cough and I turned. Frank was there. He walked over to me and kissed me. His knee hit little Gerard! I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. I looked at him through blurry eyes.
“Awww! Poor Gee got kicked.”
“Technically it was kneed.” I corrected him in a high tone. He walked off after kissing me again. I slowly stood up fully again. I grabbed my coffee and walked to the living room. Frank was on the sofa lying down doing nothing... I picked up his legs and sat there then put his legs on my lap. Mikey walked in and stole my coffee. Frank dug his heels into my legs I glared at him he just smirked at me. I pushed his legs off and stood up walked over to Mikey and pushed the cup up as he was drinking so he had warm coffee all over him. I walked to get some more then into my art studio/bed room. I sat at my desk and got paper out. For once I didn’t know what to draw. I just looked blankly at the wall. The door opened and I heard footsteps come closer. I didn’t want to look. I couldn’t it wouldn’t let me. I let my eyes slide shut.
“Gee?” I didn’t answer. “Gerard?” Nothing... “GERARD!” Frank yelled. My head grew heavy and hit the desk. “GERARD?!” he screamed. I didn’t move I couldn’t open my eyes either...
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Short but that's cause i had to re-write it cause i had all my stories in word on a usb but i lost it so I'm behind on everything so i was looking for it for a while. Sorry its been a while :s don't hate me. I should get my GCSE results tomorrow.I took my science one early...