

I had no intention of moving a single bone in my body. I point blank refused. This is what I told myself over and over. But the tapping on my shoulder wouldn’t stop. I attempted to smack away at the air, instead slapping an unsuspecting figure in the face. I wasn’t a particularly morning person. And so it was no surprise that I was reading to kill if the opportunity came along at this very moment. A finger prodded deep into my shoulder.

“You try that again and I will chop off all of your fingers one by one,” I snarled.

I couldn’t open my eyes. I’d made a distinct rule not to wake up at such ludicrous hours in the morning.

“I could be a murderer and you wouldn’t even know”

I laughed into my pillow, “You have hardly any meat on your bones Alastair, I could sit on your face and you’d die,” I turned over onto my side, covering my face with the blanket. I groaned quietly, as my toes were exposed to the cold air of the shack.

For a while there was movement, I suspected he was making his way to exit, until the beautiful silence stopped and he opened his mouth.

“I’ll steal everything you own”

It was possible. I didn’t own very much. I thought to myself quietly and made the final verdict with a devilish smile.

“Go ahead,” I muttered, “Just be aware of the fact that when I finally do get up you’ll be nothing but a rotting corpse with only maggots and worms for friends”.

His silence depicted my self-acclaimed victory. And with this thought in mind I focused my tired mind on the peaceful sleep I had to catch up on ahead. I calmly breathed, as a bird annoyingly chirped in its nest.

“I’m not leaving until you get up Poppy. You’re a joke. You haven’t left this place in a week and you stink”

“What’s your point?” I remarked angrily.

He sighed, “I’m not getting through to you at all am I?”

“No,” I replied hopefully, “So you can get out now”

I felt his presence moving in a direction I couldn’t have cared less about. The wooden floorboards creaked loudly under his weight. Suddenly I was strangely enveloped in freezing cold air. I opened my eyes as wide as possible and leap up from the mattress.

In his hands he held my ratty blanket. He stood shell shocked until he stumbled backwards over a wire connected to the electric heater, “You did that on purpose!” He stood up again and threw the blanket across the room and over my head.

I laughed obnoxiously, holding it against my chest shivering only slightly, “I did nothing, and you’re the one who snatched the thing away from me”

“Cover up, your making my eye bleed,” he was so innocent and unsuspecting, as he covered his face with his hands.

I wrapped the blanket around my body and tugged his hands away from his face. He looked down at my bare feet for a moment. I was unable tell whether or not he was actually seeing or just gazing without seeing at all. I lifted his face up by his chin and stared just as he stared back at me. He smiled a sweet smile.



His smile grew wider, as did my own. And as I leant forward my lips parted, so close to his face.

"Did you bring any milk?"