Dance For Me, Darling

The Beginning

I groaned as something made contact with my face, waking me up from one of the strangest dreams I have ever had.

“What the hell was that for,” I muttered, throwing the pillow back at my roommate.

“I have been trying to get up you up for the past 15 minutes, Jer. We’re going to be late if we don’t leave now! I’ll be waiting in the car. You have 5 minutes,” she screamed at me, while grabbing her purse. As she walked out the door, I thought I heard her mumble something about me being able to sleep on a picket fence.

After stretching my limbs, I got up off the couch and walked into the bathroom. For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about that dream. The whole thing confused me because, besides the fact that none of it made sense to begin with, I'm not even a ballerina.

Looking at the mirror, I remember how the glass cracked when the girl ran into it, and how I didn't care. I think that was the scariest part; that, during the whole thing, I just didn't seem to care about anything. The world was ending, for Christ's sake, but I just couldn't stop dancing.

Walking into my bedroom, I changed quickly, and grabbed my keys. Thankfully, I thought, it was just a dream and nothing in it would come true.

I locked the door as I left the apartment. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the dream out of my head. For some reason, I felt that there was something I was supposed to get out of it, but I just didn't know what. Walking down the stairs, I decided that I would keep this whole thing to myself, and if anything came from it, which I doubted, well, I would deal with it then. For now, I told myself, I had nothing to worry about.

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Word Count: 321