Status: Slowly but surely updating.

The Theory of Wolfs bane

I feel sick...

Olivia's POV
I HATE THIS! They treat me like such a baby. I just turned nine and I understand the werewolf world. I can't believe it. They act like I know nothing. Adonia phased when she was ten, so I think I'm old enough to sit in the meeting with them. I looked at my surroundings. I was sitting in the basement with all the little kids. The different werewolf packs from all over the country were here. 125 in total. I had to babysit the younger children while the older ones sat in the meeting discussing war plans. Most children turn when they are anywhere between 9 and 11. So far only Jeremy Wells and I haven't changed. Mom thinks that I'll be a late bloomer because I have asthma and am not very healthy. What does she know? I started to feel light headed and my body was in so much pain. My throat was itching. My vision was becoming blurry. What's wrong with me. Next thing I knew I blacked out.
When I awoke everyone was staring at me. Mom looked like she had been crying. Dad looked nervous. Apollo and Adonia looked excited, while Eamon just looked bored with the situation.
Everyone was buzzing. People were taking turns filing in and out of my room while pointing at me and whispering. What had happened? Soon everyone but my family walked out. I was scared. I felt like crying. What's wrong?
Dad sat at the edge of my bed. "Kiddo, welcome to the pack!" Realization hit me as I looked at my family's faces. They were grinning from ear to ear. I was now a werewolf.
No One's POV
Jeremy Wells was playing with his game boy when a loud noise was heard. Olivia was on the ground in pain. Being the smart boy that he was, he ordered the kids to go upstairs. He knelt by her and asked her if she was okay. Before she could reply her spine started twisting and you could here her small, fragile bones start to crack. He screamed loud like a girl. Many people came rushing down, but when they saw what was happening the started to give her space and pulled Jeremy away from her. Mr. Alexander(Achilles) threw a steak at the ravenous wolf before she had time to attack. Everyone was silent. As quick as she turned into a wolf, she turned back. Adonia quickly ran to Olivia and hugged her tight. She was very proud of her little sister. Apollo shook his sister's hand, while Eamon was having a mental breakdown. Yet at the end of the day, all 125 wolf packs found themselves celebrating.
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Hope You like it! Only 6 more chapters. This is gonna get a little dramatic folks...