
Bianca, fifteen, having wandered from the streets of Italy, does not think she can live much longer, for her lover has rejected her and her childhood at court is slipping away. She can only recall, now, in fragmented memories, a time long past, when to survive, she delivered human and animal remains to a man she knew as Leonardo.

No, she recalls instead a past and a future, and how to live on her own. A land her mother spoke of as Pax. But, weary and dying from childbirth, Bianca does not know if she can find this place, though through her memories, a man from her past reveals aspects of her life she never realized that she knew all along.
  1. A Cold Morning
    In which Bianca's life changes.
  2. Times Before
    In which she remembers.
  3. Naught But Glass And Lies
    In which hope is lost
  4. Lady
    In which change happens, or begins, through memory and else.
  5. Pax
    In which a new life is realized, or at least hoped