Screw Love; Hate's More Fun

Chapter Four

Taylor was leaving the band room, following Lucia. He noticed Trent sitting on a bench. That's odd, he thought. He's not waiting outside the band room to throw his basketball at me….

"Hey, Lucia. What's wrong with Trent?" he asked.

"What? Oh. I guess his girlfriend dumped him or something because he completely bombed on Valentine's Day," she answered with a shrug. He couldn't suppress the smirk that danced at his lips.

Taylor wasn't confrontational. But he just couldn't pass this up.

He walked toward Trent. When the bully saw him, he quickly stood up to take on his tough persona.

"What's the matter, Snotface? Couldn't leave without your daily dose of b-ball?" He chucked the ball at Taylor, but missed. He was really off. Funny how rejection can do that to you.

Taylor simply crossed his arms. "How does it feel?" he asked, not even trying to suppress his smirk now. Trent just looked confused. Taylor uncrossed his arms and took a step forward.

"How does it feel to be rejected?" He uncrossed his arm and to an a step forward. "To be cast aside? To be treated as if you're scum? How does it feel to know that someone's better than you? "How does it feel to get dumped, when you thought you'd always be the one doing the dumping?"

Trent was trying to hold up his bully façade, but it was beginning to waver. "It feels like crap, huh? It feels like you're really not worth a thing. It doesn't matter if you can throw a three-pointer with two seconds left on the clock. It doesn't matter if you can play an entire musical piece made for trombone on trumpet. You. Are. Worthless."

That's when Taylor turned and walked away. And he didn't pity Trent at all. The bully deserved it – he'd earned every word.