Status: Fin

A Life Worth Living

Make Your Choice...

We quickly made it to Sam’s and told him of the horrendous news.

“Alright, Collin and Brady go inform the Cullen’s,” he said in his strong Alpha voice.

“We’ll get him back D. You have nothing to worry about,” Jacob whispered to me.

I looked him dead in the eyes and replied, “I know.” This answer seemed to satisfy him but as he was turning around I said, “I know because I’m going with you to get him back.”

Everyone stood stock still and all eyes seemed to turn to Seth. He looked at me and I could see he was slightly shaking.

“Seth…,” commented Sam, his sentence trailing off as Seth approached me.

“You’ll do no such thing. You’re lucky I didn’t make you leave with Aiden,” he said in a tough voice.

“He’s my brother, Seth. I need to save him. And Drake won’t just hand him over. He likes to barter. We need leverage, if we ever want Mase back,” I said knowing full well it would make Seth explode. His body was convulsing in front of me and he had an animalistic gleam in his eyes.

“Do you know what you’re saying?” he roared. “You’re just going to hand yourself to him like some god-damned present!”

Sam and Jacob both pushed him outside and I followed behind. “It’s the only way Seth,” I shouted.

“This isn’t some story! This is your life we’re talking about. You can’t sacrifice yourself…I need you,” Seth said. The convulsions vanished and he fell to his knees. I quickly ran over to him and hugged his body close to mine. “I’m not losing someone else I love because of werewolves and vampires.”

I knew he was speaking of his dad, Harry, and I knew this was killing him. But I also know that there’s only going to be one way to get Mason back.

“I won’t do anything, if I go,” I lied. “How ‘bout that? I’ll just come with you. I need to know that Mason is alright.” Seth looked into my eyes and could see the tears beginning to fall out. He cupped my face in his large, warm hands and used his thumbs to brush my tears away.

“You need to promise to be careful and not do anything stupid,” he said

“I promise,” I replied. He picked me up with him as he got up and pecked the top of my head before letting me go.

Seth nodded his head, signaling for Sam to continue with the game plan and everything was divvied out. Before we left I threw on an old pair of Leah’s cut-offs and one of Seth’s old t-shirts. I was in a group with Seth, Jake and Leah. In any other situation, I would be mocking Seth about me riding him and Jake would too, but now was not the time. The wolves searched the forest for a scent and suddenly Leah barked. We took off after Leah and came to a small clearing where six vampires stood.

Drake was standing in the middle holding a terrified looking Mason. “Well, this is just fantastic. I didn’t expect you mutts to bring Delilah straight to me,” he said sinisterly.

Seth growled deeply from beside me, since i had jumped off of him, and in the next second he was back in human form, pulling on shorts.

“We have plenty of back-up. So, just hand Mason over and you can leave,” said Seth in a voice so dark, I was shocked.

“Oh, back-up?” he questioned. It sounded as if it was some kind of inside joke. “Your other dogs and veggie-vamps are all tied up with at least 15 newborns, so they should be busy for sometime,” he said.

“You’re a monster,” I whispered.

He frowned at me. “What beautiful, not want Mason back?” he questioned threateningly.

“I want him back, but I want you to stop all of this,” I said sternly.

“It can all be over babe, if you just come back to me,” he said looking like the Drake I used to know. “I love you Delilah, I always have and always will.”

Seth was growling fiercely next to me. “You couldn’t have ever loved her, not if you wanted to turn her into a blood-sucking beast. How could you want to take away a happy life from the one person you supposedly love,” Seth yelled enraged beyond belief. He was shaking and I was afraid he would do something irrational. I put my hand on his chest and he instantly calmed down.

“So you’ve fallen for a no good puppy,” he laughed bitterly. “Well, will have to take care of that now won’t we.”

And before I could even comprehend what was happening, Seth was flying into a nearby tree. Fighting broke loose and chaos ensued. But just as fast as that happened, everything seemed to stop.

Jake and Leah were being held off by three vampires each and Seth was frozen. Drake had his teeth right on little Mason’s neck.

“Aghuh,” the sound coming out of my throat was bizarre. It sounded like I was chocking.

Drake laughed and then in one swift moment he had Seth pinned against a tree and Mason dangling in the air.

“No!” I screamed rushing over.

“Now Delilah, I’m going to give you two choices. Either Mason goes or your little dog does,” he said.

I knew he’d barter, but I never thought he’d go this far.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun...dun...dun!!! And I leave you with a i'm ill and I still got this up. I stayed home from school...due to the stomach bug...Mike skipped school today to make me chicken noodle sweet!!

Two chapters left and then the epilogue...

But back to this chapter here's a link to Delilah's outfit!!

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