Status: xD..

Be My Valentine.

Part One

Whenever I'd hurt, cry, whenever anything went wrong, I'd do exactly this. I curl up in the corner of my bed, get my phone, and talk to him. He was always there for me. Through every single one of my horrible boyfriends, my family drama, he could always make me feel better. He was my best friend. I fell asleep talking to him every night. And he was the first person I talked to when I woke up.

Right now. I was miserable, but he was cheering me up as always. It was amazing to have something like that to rely on. Well, something you couldn't get addicted to. Well.. maybe you could. Was I addicted to a person? Is that even possible?

The familiar buzzing vibrated my phone and I eagerly went to see what it said. "Well, I have to go :/" The words actually twisted my mouth to make my face look the same as the one he put.

"What do you have a date?" I joked around.

He answered back quickly. "Yeah, actually." I stared at the screen for a while.

"Oh." I didn't mean to send it but it was all I could manage to say.

"Your mad :/"

"No! Why would I be mad.. have fun"

"I'll talk to you later, okay? Or tomorrow!"

I closed my phone. Why would I be mad? I've had millions of boyfriends while taking to him. It's not like I liked him that way. He was my best friend, maybe I was just scared he'd stop talking to me now that he was dating someone. He'd be too busy for me. It took me a while to notice the tears coming down my face. Why was I crying?! This wasn't even that serious. There were more important things to cry about. I don't even care if he has a girlfriend.

Then why do I feel like I just had my heart ripped out. Maybe I do feel something I shoudn't. Just because he's my best friend doesn't mean he can't be more then that..

Maybe.. maybe I'm in love with him. Maybe that feeling I get when I think about him is more then I think it is. Maybe the way my heart speeds up when he compliments me means something. My God, I think I do love him.

If only he'd love me back.