Status: xD..

Be My Valentine.

Part Two

"Are you sure your not too scared for this?" He glanced back at me with a smirk as he laid the first DVD in the player and pressed the close button.

"Pft, nothing scares me." I rolled my eyes as I sat back and gazed up at the pale green sheet above me. We had spent hours making this tent around us, all held up by dictionaries and any heavy objects we could find around the house. There were even seperate little compartments in the back where we had bowls of popcorn and peanut butter m&ms that he told me were delicious.

I momentarily distracted myself picking through the bowl of m&ms to find a green one. The green ones were always my favorite. Finding one, I popped it in my mouth, my God he wasn't lying. It was just like a Reeses Pieces... but better. "Is it good?" I jumped inside at his breath on my neck. The tent may have rooms but it wasn't exactly roomy. There was just enough room for two people to fit comfortably. He was right behind me. I somehow smoothly twisted my body around to face him. "Mhm.." I swallowed the m&m much more dramatically than I would have if my heart wasn't beating so fast. Just being this close to him, after all those years, to feel his breath on my skin, it was..

A loud scream sent me as far back away from him as I could have gone. The movie had started and some poor blonde girl was running from an unseen chaser. She was the stereotypical murder victim who ran up the stairs instead of out the front door.

It took a couple seconds for me to relax. He had moved back and gotten comfortable on some pillows we had set up. His arm was conveniently placed in a perfect position so I could just snuggle into him. I couldn't tell if he did it on purpose or not. Ever since he came to live with me and my mom I haven't been sure of anything. Don't get me wrong, I was absolutely positively sure I was in love with him. Just looking at him sent my heart into backflips. But I wasn't sure if he still loved me and I didn't want him to feel like he had to pretend to not hurt my feelings or anything. So I've been trying to stay in that border between friends and more until he can give me a sign saying that he's choosing a side. It's just in my personality to doubt.

I decided to stay where I was as the movie progressed. Of course, it was also in my personality to freak out over scary movies. Everytime a suspenseful moment came, I found myself inching closer and closer to him. When I was scared of a movie.. I got really scared. I got tingles down my back, but I tried not to close my eyes. I stayed as relaxed as he was.

There was just this one scene, where the man with his head upsidedown started crawling towards the camera. I couldn't take anymore, I let out a squeal as I ducked my head onto his chest. I didn't dare move until the noises on the screen died down. It wasn't until I felt his fingers running through my hair that the fear went away. I turned onto my side then to face the tv and use his chest as a pillow. It was surprisingly a really comfortable position, I pulled a blanket on top of me to snuggle inside and I redirected my attention to the movie.

Although his hands were roaming from my hair to my neck, even down to the small of my back, I still felt vulnerable in front of the big screen. I wanted more than little touches, I wanted to be hiding in his arms. Laying like this was just a tease. A little too quickly, I got up and moved a couple feet away from him. Glancing back, he was frowning.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at -?"

"You can never ... stand to be near me." He cut me off. He sounded hurt. That wasn't what I was trying to accomplish. Leave it to me to go out of control with my crazy schemes. I turned around to face him, his features matched the hurt in his voice.

"Its not that." I started talking, instantly trying to fix everything as soon as possible. "I just don't wanna pressure you, I mean I know we talked about this forever but I don't want you to feel like you have to be with me. I mean this is New York, there are millions of other girls here and.."

He moved closer. "But I don't want those-"

I held a hand to stop him. I wasn't done with my speech. "I just want you to know that we can be friends if you want. I mean I can totally ignore my feelings and it wouldn't even matter because if your happy im happy and then we're all just happy and everythings fine." I bit my lip, trying to think of anything else to say. "Oh! and -"

His finger was on my lip. "You talk too much," he whispered. And then his lips were on mine.


We didn't watch the rest of the movie.