I'm in Love with a Guy that Will be the Death of Me.

3. My room

When I went to open my door, guess who was there, yours truly Alex.

" Hey where is the bathroom?" he asked, leaning against my door frame.

"Well the bathroom would be the room that has a sign on it that says restroom and is 2 ft away from my door." I replied smartly.

" Awww screw it I came up to see you."

"And why would you want to do that." I asked.

" Because life is short and your hot" he replied.

" Well I can't argue with that. Would you like to come in" I asked,I planned to tease him.

" Most definitely." He replied with a cocky smile.

Yes he took took the bait.I didn't really have a grudge on Alex, but when my mom was complementing him he just ate it up. That was the thing that really bugged me. So I'm going to have a little fun messing with him myself.

Did I mention that my "area" in this house is better than a lot of hotels.

I have a bedroom of course, a bath room, and a living room. They are huge it takes me a few minuts to walk to my living room to my bedroom.

As I ran intomy bedroom to turn off the Vanessa Carlton CD I had on.

When I turned around suddenly he was write behind me or should I say in front of me.

Not only was he write in front of me in a strangely short amount of time but he had no clothes on but his boxers.

I saw his well defined 6 pack and his strong arms.

It wasn't until I herd my mom call me down stares did I realize that there was an extremely hot guy half naked in my bed room.

It was right after that, that I got my senses back and yelled, " What the hell do you think your doing?"

" Hey you were the one that invited me into your bedroom." he replied.

" Yea because you were standing write out side my door and first of all you were hitting on me. I asked you to come in so we could TALK. I never asked you to take off your clothes" I yelled back just as rudely.

"Well sorry when a girl invites me into her bedroom I assume she wants to do something other than talk."

"Not this girl, I just met you and my parents are down stares. Now put on your clothes." I ordered.

No sooner did I finish my tantrum did my mom suddenly popped out of know where.

" Hun are you ok. I herd yelling."

" Yea mom I'm fine I just replied over my own feet and fell."

" Oh Alex what are you doing in here?" my mom asked.

No No No what am I going to do how am I going to explain a naked boy in my bedroom. What am I going to do.

Luckily Alex answered before I could " Hello Mrs. Adder I just herd Anne scream and came in to see if she was ok."

He said this so nonchalantly. Like he wasn't in my bedroom naked, I turned to look at him and what do you know he is dressed.

I mean completely dressed. Not a hair out of place.

" Oh ok then, Alex your father just called he would like you to head home soon."

"Of course right away Mrs. Adder." he replied kindly.

As he left my room he also left me wandering.

What kinda of person could move so quickly and quietly no one knows.

I mean I'm a girl and we are skilled in getting dressed fast and I can't even look that put together so quickly.

I wonder..........
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I don't know if I'm going to continue this story I might and I hope I will but I will put out another story soon. Okay so I've gotten a few questions on this. So sorry to ruin this but Alex is NOT a vampire! So stop asking, please.