I'm in Love with a Guy that Will be the Death of Me.

9. Told you

Dinner passed unbelievably slowly. Jake and I played up the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing way to much if you ask me. Jake was constantly whispering in my ear and kissing my neck. It made it hard to eat, although did enjoy the pained look on Alex's face when he say use making out.

For some crazy reason I thought my mom would say something about all the touching at the table.

I mean come on we were practically have sex with our clothes on, but no her being her she just commented about how cute we looked. Jake thanked her and I just nodded.

My step-dad excused himself from dinner early (like usual) which left the perfect opportunity for Alex's dad to swoop in. Augh. Are all the Simetna men whores?

I wonder if Alex was okay with his dad doing this to his mom? I wonder if his mom knew? I bet she was seducing another rich man, that would not surprise me.

"Hey Jake?" I said softly.

"mhmm" he mumbled against my cheek.

" Do you want to go out side it's becoming kind of umm.... close, in here." I said eyeing my mom and George.

"yeah sure lets go out on the patio." he replied.

I stud up "Mom, Jake and I are going to go on the patio."

"yeah yeah" she waved her hand absentmindedly sending use away.

I herd a chair move and turned my head to see Alex standing up.

"may I come with you?' he asked, with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Well if you must.." I said walking toward the doors with Jake.


"Oh are you tired sweetie?" asked Jake.

"Yeah I just want this day to end, I'm really tired." I replied.

*Ring Ring Ring*

"Oh crap" said Jake checking his phone.

"I got to take this. he said walking away.


Alex's POV

I was walking behind Anne and Jake thinking about how horrible this night was. With Anne and her stupid boyfriend and my dad trying to get into Anne's moms pants, when I herd Jakes phone ring.

"Oh crap" said Jake checking his phone.

"I got to take this." he said walking away from her.

I turned my head watching him walk away. He didn't go far, because I could hear his conversation easily enough.

Although it was far enough away for any normal person to hear.

"You saw her with who? Really I can't believe she would cheat on me with him he's a douche. Yeah I guess but I really did like her." he said into the phone.

Wait! "cheat on me". "with that guy". "really like her"

Oh my God he's seeing another girl( or at least was) behind Anne's back.

For some reason this made my blood boil. How could he do that to her. I mean of course there little love connection makes me sick but still.

I wanted to go over there and punch Jake in the gut but I refrained, and instead went over to Anne.

She turned around and gave me a disgusted look. "what do you want?" she said in a low voice.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked truly honest.

"Why do I hate you? You're really asking me that?" she said in shock.

"Umm yeah...."

"Okay well lets see, when I first met you, you came into my room, undressed you're self and totally expected me to have sex with you. You're a complete pig! You have no respect for other peoples feelings and you think you're the God Damn king of the World! Thats why I hate you." she yelled.

"Okay well in my defense it was an honest mistake that I thought you wanted to sleep with me, I mean everyone seems to want to, even you're mom." I said to her. She just scoffed.

"Please having my mom want to sleep with you is not something you want to be proud of and why would you think I wanted to sleep with you?"

"Well I don't know.. when I walked in you're mouth was open and you were drooling like a dog." I shot back.

That must have taken her by surprised because it took her a second to answer.

"Please.. like I would ever find an interest in you, you're just a arrogant jerk" she said regaining composer.

"Okay so you're telling me you feel no attraction, not even a fiscal one towards me?" I said.

"yeah thats right" she said.

"you're lying"

"no I'm not"

"yes you are" I insisted.

"no I'm not!"

"yes you are!" I replied just as force fully.

"No I'm not!!" she yelled.

"Fine then prove it." I said crossing the room swiftly. I was standing right across from her, she looked stunned. I pulled her face towards mine and our lips met half way.

It wasn't a sweet kiss, it wasn't passionate, actually it wasn't really a kiss at all it, was just our lips forced together.

But after the shock had worn off I felt her kiss back. it was hungry, yet shy. I kissed her back letting my hand rub the back of her neck.

She was a really good kisser and I wanted it to last longer but I herd Jerk ahh I mean Jake walking down the hallway so I broke the kiss.

I looked down at her, her checks were flushed. I smirked at said "Told you, you liked me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Umm.. sorry it took so long. had writers block.

*Please comment it would mean A LOT to me.

* Message me for any ideas.
