Dear Unknown

Should Be Private

“Arron, I’m home” I yell as I walk in the door.

“You know he’s not home right?” my sister asks me like I’m stupid.

“Shut up, I totally knew that” I try to play my blond moment off.

“No you didn’t” Ginger says as she walks in behind me.

“Ginger, you’re supposed to be on my side” I say pointing to myself.

“You know me, I’m always on the side of who is right” she plops down on my couch.

“True true, now get your lazy piece up off my couch and up the stairs so we can get working on that project” I say pushing her head forward slightly.

“You’re calling me a lazy piece? Aren’t you the one who made Justin get your bag in study hall cause you were to lazy to bring it over in the first place?” she says pouting her lips and tilting her head.

“I . . .” I stutter and huff for a minute, “Shut up” I whine.


“So have you gotten a return email from your famous dude yet?” Ginger asks from my bed. She’s got her math book open but has her science notes out. Her method of doing homework messes with me.

I look up from my English report. I set my pen down and straighten my legs real fast. My knees crack as I answer, “I don’t know. I haven’t checked today.” I twist in my purple butterfly chair so instead of sitting in it sideways I’m now sitting in it the right way. I take my lap-top off sleep mode and bring up my email fast. I see one new email and when I see who it’s from I answer, “Nope.”

I don’t know why I lied. For some reason I feel like the emails should be private even though it’s for a school project. I turn to face ginger again, “How about you?”

“I don’t think I ever sent my first email!” she says tossing a pencil at my head. It misses and I stick my tongue out at her. She rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out at me. “Hey can you put some music on?”

I nod my head and turn to take my computer off mute. I turn up the speakers and here this weird music.

”Scream!!! Till you feel it!” comes blaring out of my speakers. I jerk my hand to the volume control and flick it down.

“LEE-ANE!!” I yell.

I hear her sprint up the stairs, “What?” she says as she gets closer.

“Don’t touch my computer!” We may be close but there are certain things that don’t get touched like my computer and her music.

“How do you know I did?” she puts her hands on her hips.

I pulled up the play list and pointed to the song that was playing, “I do not listen to ‘Scream’ by Tokio Hotel” I read the song title.

She blows a stray piece of bang out of her face, “Sorry my speakers weren’t working and I needed something to pump me up. Besides if you listened to some of their stuff I know you would like them.”

“What ever” I wave her off, “just don’t touch my computer.”

She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room. When she gets to the top of the stairs she turns and runs back. “By the way” she leans into my door way, “Ginger your mom called. She says to get your butt home or it’s grounded.”

Ginger stands and grabs her crap off my bed, “That’s my cue to leave.” She snatches her purse from my floor and says before she leaves, “If I forget something bring it to me tomorrow, kay?”

“Yep” I say waving over my shoulder as her foot steps fade away. I hear her thud down the stairs and slam the door on her way out.

I bring up my email and read,

“Dear Lenny,” it begins and I continue to read in silence my sister’s music still playing quietly.
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Tell me what you think :)