Dear Unknown

Come Here

“Felicity get your ass down these stairs right now!” Aaron yells at me from downstairs.

“Be patient!” I yell from my lap-top, “I’m doing homework!”

“Hurry up!” he yells one final time.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the computer. I read Tom’s email and immediately start my response.

Dear Tom,

So “Likes about everything a normal teenager guy likes?” That must mean video games, parties, and girls with some alcohol in the mix?

Answer: My style . . . ? Hmm, how to explain? My style musically, well I listen to most everything but my fav stuff is alternative rock. My dad got me into it by playing 80’s rock when I was little. I always loved the opening guitar rift and to this day it’s my favorite part.

Now my style where fashion and social labels are concerned is where I loose my descriptions. How I dress really depends on my mood. Sometimes it’s the music that puts me in that mood. I’m kind of a bunch of things. I’m a nerd, a jock, and actress, a musician (sort of), the girl they all hate, the girl they all love, and the crazy, weird one. Actually scratch all that and we’ll just call me the crazy, weird one.

I have thee questions for you: Where are you from? Where are you now? And where are you going?

P.S. I guess now that I know you’re in a band I can cross Tom Cruise off my list of possibilities.

P.P.S. Tell your band mate dude that if he likes me so mush that he should have been my pen pal instead of you.


“Are you done yet?!” Aaron yells breaking me out of my trance.

“What” I drag out the syllable, “do you want?” I walk towards my door.

“Come here” he says from the bottom of the stairs.

“Why?” I whine.

“Just come here.”

“I don’t want to” I say still standing in my door way.

“Get your ass down here” he says one more time.

“I’m coming, be patient” I grumble. I slowly walk down the stairs. I take my sweet time walking through the living room and turning into the kitchen where I know he’ll be waiting for me.

I am met with Eminem coming through the speakers on the far wall. My brother is in his last year of collage, but he taken mostly online classes these last few semesters so he could work more. He’s manager for this place that during the week it’s a fancy restaurant but on weekends it doubles as a night club.

“What do you want?” I hop up into one of the bar stools at the counter.

“It’s your turn to make dinner” he says plain and simple.

“And you couldn’t tell me that the first time you yelled up the stairs why?” I ask tilting my head to the side and sighing.

“What does it matter you would have had to come downstairs anyway” he says not taking his eyes off his computer, “I have a final exam to finish and then I have to go to work. If you want to come to the club tonight you better not bug me and that homework you were yelling at me about better be done.”

“Sure, what ever” I slide off the stool, “Is Lee-Ane coming tonight?”

“No she’s going over to Tish’s I think” he says absentmindedly.

“So does that mean I’m making dinner for two or what?” I say opening the fridge.

“Just make dinner” he says annoyed.

“Aye aye captain” I pull the mozzarella cheese out of the fridge.
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