‹ Prequel: The Sake of Hope

The Secret Weapon

Sake's secret has been revealed: she is a dual bender, gifted- or cursed- with the ability to wield two elements: earth and fire. For this ability, she has been captured by the dreadfully evil Princess Azula, and taken away from her city, Dim Jan, leaving her family- and Prince Zuko- behind.

Prince Zuko- or "Lee" as Sake remembers him- is now more lost than he was before he met Sake. Stripped of his honor, he is faced with the fact that his father wouldn't even want him as prisoner. While this shouldn't upset him, it does, and he spirals into a dreaded need to be wanted. And he hates Sake for being what she is: prized.

Sake painfully awaits her days in the Fire Nation, thinking of her old life, her new life, and the life she may lead once she is out of her prison of a palace and back to the real world. But how will she enter that world? As a feared and fearless warrior of the Greatest Nation to Ever Live? Or as an escapee, a vigilante, and a wanted criminal? Each day presents new opportunties and challenges, as well as questions. For, the Prince and Princess of the Fire Nation continue to run her life through many courses...