Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Who’s Being Followed?

Chapter Nine: Who’s Being Followed?

It was a Friday and Matt, Steph, and I were all working the closing shift. I sent Matt off to take a break, and I went to talk to Steph.

“Well, I guess he is getting his act together,” Steph said.

“Yep. I’m happy for him,” I said.

“Hey guys,” someone called from the entrance.

“Sonny! What’s up!?” I said. “It’s been a while.”

“Yeah. I’ve been busy, either working here or with the other guys playing music.”

“Yeah, how’s that coming?” I asked.

“Not so good. We’re trying to find another guitar player.”

“You know, Matt’s been playing a little bit here and there,” I said.

“Really? Well after we kept asking him, I doubt he’d wanna.”

“Ask him anyways. He’s getting better.”

“I know. I’ve hung around with him recently.”

“Yeah, hooray for Lisa for talking to him!” Steph said.

“Yup, go me! Haha,” I laughed.

“Ha. Well, I gotta buzz off. I came to look at the music store.”

“Okay. See ya, Sonny,” I gave him a quick hug before he headed off.

“Lisa! Frank’s here,” Steph said.

“Ah crap.” I turned and squatted down to mess with the shirts. “I don’t need to see him. I haven’t seen him since I fought with Matt.”

“Hey, Steph,” he said.


“I know you’re best friends with Lisa, I wanted to ask you how she was doing. The last time I saw her she was fighting with that guy.”

“Oh yeah. She told me about that. He works here now, and before he comes back, tell me what you think.”

“Think about what?”

“Her and Matt.”

“Honestly, I think he’s kind of a low life. She could do way better.”



I sighed and resumed my shirt folding. He has a point there, Lisa. No! Matt’s doing way better! I listened to my mind having a conversation with itself.

“But yeah, she’s doing fine, actually, they’re both doing well together these days.”

“Ok. Well, tell her I said hi. I’ll see you, I’m gonna go bother Gerard,” he laughed.

“Ok. Bye.” There was a pause. “Frank says hi,” she said.

“Duh. I was standing right there.”

“You were squatting.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes.

Matt then walked back in and got back to work. As closing time neared, the store was dead. We closed up at nine, and were out of the mall by 9:30. Steph went off with Gerard and I went off with Matt. We lived close to the mall, so we walked. It was such a nice night too. Clear sky, and it was about sixty degrees. Just perfect. Matt laced his fingers with mine and we walked down the streets. I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were being followed.

“Matt? Do you feel like we’re being followed?”

“No. Why?”

“I do.”

I looked up at him and saw him turn around.

“Nothing there.”

I turned and looked myself. I shuddered a little bit, because I just couldn’t shake the feelings. I was nervous too because those feelings of mine are usually true.